Recording Via Pre Amp to Behringer U-CONTROL UCA222 and USB Laptop port Windows 11

Hello folks, I’m trying to digitize some records on my new Windows laptop. Previously I’ve use a Mac and Garage Band and its worked fine. I’ve spent ages messing around with the setting in Audacity and I’m getting nowhere. I can get it to record but the sound is distorted. I’ve watched the tutorial when you open Audacity and I can get it to record perfectly from a streaming service . Any suggestions on what setting to use? Many thanks. I know the Behringer is still working okay as I’ve tried it on another Mac. These are the recording settings I have. I’ve tried all of them.


These are the playback settings. I’ve tried every combination. I notice someone else had the same issues with Windows 11 and eventually gave up.

I don’t use Windows, but are you sure that you want to use the loopback setting? Isn’t this for recording the computer playback, which might not be what you want? With my Linux computer I just select the recording input as USB Audio Codec

Right… DON"T use “loopback”.

Select USB CODEC"directly" without the loopback option.

…Loopback records what’s coming out of your soundcard and normally you want to record what’s coming-in. And with certain settings loopback can create an internal feedback loop which can create an echo or very bad distortion.

Thank you for your response. I did try various different options but I will give it another go. Much appreciated.

Thank you for your response. I did try various different options but I will give it another go. Much appreciated. It does make a lot of sense what you suggest. I will try just using the computer internal speakers as the output.

Hi DVDdoug. I tried what you suggested but the recording was really distorted.
That by the way was Come together by The Beatles.

I’ve just found out what was causing the issue. It was a setting in Windows 11.

For some reason it was set to Device Default Effects.

My experience with a Behringer UCA202 was not exciting. Let’s say a disaster because an authoritative expert on the Behringer Forum concluded that my UCA202 was defective and I was invited to return it. I wanted to use it to record audio and video from the monitor to the PC by connecting the monitor’s headphone output to the PC’s USB, but I always got recordings of very poor audio quality. Having bought it ON Amazon, but NOT FROM Amazon, I received a refund, but I had to pay the shipping costs (10 euros). After that I discovered that on Windows 11 you just have to press WINDOWS KEY - SHIFT - R and you can record everything you want from the screen.

This is about recording vinyl records. Recording “the screen” won’t help until you get the audio into the computer. :wink: And then it’s best to record what’s coming directly into the soundcard/interface rather than what’s coming out.

Of course, boss!