Recording skipping/not recording on brand new laptop

HELP NEEDED! Any advice or attempts to help are much appreciated! *I’ve read related topics, but the solutions to those have not worked for me.

My old laptop crashed. It was 15 years old and running Windows 10 and it ran Audacity flawlessly with a maxed out hard drive and little memory. The temporary laptop I used ran it fine, as well, and it’s a Windows 11. I bought a new laptop recently and finally got it all set up, and now I can’t record with it. Everything seems to run fine in the program EXCEPT recording. Sometimes it records but drops in and out/skips. Sometimes it won’t record practically at all. Using the same mic and just plugging the USB into a different computer, everything works flawless. New laptop has a 1 TB solid state hard drive and 16 gigs of memory and far less “junk” on it than my old one. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled Audacity only to get same results. This is driving me nuts! Thanks in advance for any help.

Usually something is interrupting, and the operating system is ALWAYS multitasking even if you’re only running one application. Whatever is interrupting doesn’t have to be using a lot of total CPU time, it just has to hog the system for a few milliseconds too long and you get buffer overflow and a glitch (or buffer overflow on playback).

Recording dropouts, gaps, skips and glitches

Or Glitch Free is a FREE online book about optimizing your computer for audio.

Thanks. I finally figured it out. “Audio enhancements” for my mic were selected, although I’d swear I had turned it off already. What a bugger. :man_facepalming:t2:

Windows updates can turn “audio enhancements” back on.

Can you think of any way Audacity could test for “audio enhancements are on” and warn people about it?

Ahhhhhhhh-hah. That would explain it.

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