Punch Copy Paste

(I just figured it out, SOLUTION at the bottom, but I’ll leave this post here in case it helps anyone else) So, I have the Nyquist punch copy paste plugins, and I’ve used them before while experimenting with audiobook recording/mastering, and I have an updated version of Audacity. Anyhow, when i open the Effects drop down menu it’s at the bottom, within this ‘n/a’ box (except now it says puch copy (?) and it is a Nyquist file in my plugin manager, and it’s enabled). So, I open the Effect drop down, go down to the bottom, open ‘n/a’ - then it opens to puch copy/ or punch paste… (i’ve used this some years before, successfully) So now I select a small portion of the track, choose puch copy, loop, (select action) copy, apply, and it shows that 2.5 seconds or whatever were copied successfully, but then when i select another length of the track and try to punch paste, it always says the clipboard is empty. any advice?

SOLUTION I FOUND. instead of selecting punch paste from the Effect drop down menu, I re-select puch copy and when it opens, in the ‘select action’ window, i change it from ‘copy’ to ‘paste’, then apply and it works. And now that it’s set to paste, when I want to continue using the original puch copied selection, I highlight a new portion of track, drop down the Effect menu, and select ‘repeat puch copy’, and it’s working exactly how I want… but I am pretty sure it was working differently before! And I still don’t know why the punch paste command isn’t working, and don’t know why it’s called puch copy! but I found a workaround solution. okay. hope this helps anyone.

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