Project File Won't Open ~ 'Can't find data'


Thanks for all the help in the past.

This morning I saved a project as Conservation_Arts_6_12_2016 and closed out the software. Later, I changed the project file name to Conservation_Arts_Part_A and when I went to open the file I got the error messages: ‘Couldn’t find data folder’ and ‘Couldn’t open file’ (screenshots attached). So, I changed the file name back to Conservation_Arts_6_12_2016 but got the same errors when I tried to open the file.

Is there a way to recover this project file?


Using Windows 10 Pro on PC w/Audacity 2.1.0


You committed the cardinal sin of renaming the AUP file or _data folder. :blush: If you want to move or rename Audacity projects there is only one safe way, File > Save Project As… from within Audacity.

Do not attempt to open the project again. Please attach the AUP file so we can see it. See How to attach files to forum posts.


Thanks for the response. Have attached file. ~T.~
Conservation_Arts_6_12_2016.aup (9.87 KB)

The folder “Conservation_Arts_6_12_2016_data” needs to be in the same folder as “Conservation_Arts_6_12_2016.aup”.

“Conservation_Arts_6_12_2016.aup” must not be inside the “Conservation_Arts_6_12_2016_data” folder.


Thanks. How do I locate the data file?

_DATA is not a file. _DATA is a folder with your audio in it.

This is what a normal Project looks like.

They have to have the same name and they have to be in the same folder, location or directory. I got that picture from my desktop.
