Probleme with lame_enc.dll on Windows 7 Computer

I have a problem with the program on a Windows 7 computer which I use for sound editing.

This has worked fine for me for many years but recently I had to re-install everything on the computer and now the program is missing that “lame_enc.dll” file.

The “solutions” I find on the net for reinstalling this file is highly confusing and don tell me WHERE I should install the file.

If I try to install the latest version on the Windows 7 computer, I 'm told that ANOTHER “whatever-it-is now” file is missing on the computer and I must try to re-install the program,which of course only result in the same situation again.

This Windows 7 computer is the best one for sound editing, better than the Windows 10 computer I got so it would be great to get the program working there.

You could download LAME from here. Then unzip and double-click the LAME.exe file. It should install lame_enc.dll in the right place.

However, Audacity 3.6 (and possibly earlier versions) should already include the LAME encoder - see here. You did not state which version auf Audacity you use…

Lame was first included in Audacity version 2.3.2.

Sorry for that mistake.

I currently use Audacity 2.0.2 on that Windows 7 computer and it worked fine for many years until I had to re-install it recently.

I also have a Windows 10 computer with Audacity 2.4.2. That one works fine but the problem is that I have my music library and a better soundcard on the Windows 7 comupter.

I will download the LAME file you suggested and try toput it somewhere in the Audacity program. I will also download Audacity 2.3.2 and see if that one works.

Otherwise I have to start sound-editing on the Windows 10 computer but by doing so, I must start to move a lot of soundfiles between the two computers which I find a bit unnecessary.

I downloade the LAME file from the site you linked to and installed it. Everything works fine now!

Thank you very much!

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