Problem doing multitrack recording

I am having a problem doing multitrack recording using overdub.
First track records fine.

When I try to listen to the first and record a new track, using mic jack or internal microphone, I don’t hear the first track .

I am using the mic and internal speakers of my Laptop running Windows XP (it does not work with audio out to the stereo either). This happens with both Audacity V1.3 and V2.

Overdub is turned on and Sofware Playthrough is off. MME and Windows drivers make no difference.

Frustratingly, when I stop the recording which isnt working, I hear a snatch of the first track as the recording stops!!!

Even more frustratingly, it sometimes works (about once in every 20 attempts)

If anyone can help fix this, it will be much appreciated!

If you were on Win7, I’d know exactly where to put you, but you’re not.

In any event, just to cover the bases, the common thread through this problem is you’re using speakers. That’s expressly forbidden while you’re overdubbing because of the almost certain contamination between the playback tracks and the recorded ones. Try all this with headphones/earbuds.

Also you missed a step – or you missed writing about it. Can you play the first track? At all? Under any conditions?

using the mic and internal speakers of my Laptop

Which is a what? How new is it?

Do you use Skype? Do you like recording internet audio/music?


Hi Koz,
Thaks for the quick reply.
In fact I was using the internal speakers of the Laptop (Lenovo ThinkPad T400 about 18 months old), but the same problem occurs with headphones.

Yes, first track plays perfectly.


…just to answer the other questions…
Don’t use Skype and never record internet/music

It sounds as if your audio device cannot cope with simultaneous playback and recording. Try all the applicable tips here: .

If you switched between MME and Windows DirectSound in Audacity, this only changes the protocols with which your sound device communicates with Windows. It would be better if you have not already done so to check if you have the latest audio drivers for your Thinkpad here: .



I am using Lenovo G570 and Windows 7. I downloaded Audacity 2 recently. I am using a synthesizer for recording. My first track records fine. (with drums). When I try to record the next track with Overdub, the second track recording is discontinuous. If there is a silence zone or low volume zone on track 1, then the second track records fine. Please suggest a solution.


It is usually better to start a fresh topic than join someone else’s, even if the symptoms look similar.

For suggestions, have you clicked the links you cite above:

If those don’t help, I suggest you go to “Sound” in the Windows Control Panel and turn off all the enhancements:

make sure Windows does “nothing” when it detects communications:

then make sure in Input Device in Device Toolbar that you are selecting the input your synthesizer is connected to (and not for example, stereo mix).
