Possible Bug When Using 32 Bit Float WAV Files?

Hello Everyone,

I just got a Zoom F3 that uses 32 bit float WAV as its recording format.

I am using the latest version of Audacity, 3.6.1

I have observed the following that I find unusual, please tell me if I am making a mistake or if this is a bug.

Please see the attached jpg’s.

  1. The scale that is marked as logarithmic appears linear, and the scale that is marked linear appears logarithmic.

  2. In the after normalization images, there appears to be a discrepancy between the peak values of logarithmic and the peak values of linear.

Any thoughts?

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I think it’s OK.

Your peaks look to be around -20dB on both scales before normalizing (lower than “normal”).

After normalizing, I see negative peaks of about 0dB on both scales.

Just FYI - The real digital data is “linear” (not stored as decibels) and sine wave looks correct with a linear display. With a logarithmic display it’s the view is “distorted”.

It depends on what your needs are. If you want to see the quiet parts with more detail the logarithmic view is better.

Dear DVDdoug,

Thank you for your reply.

I appreciate your analysis of the waveform, since it is the most important part of the image, but my question also pertained to the scale itself. The scale for logarithmic dB appears to be linear and the scale for linear dB appears to be logarithmic.

It seems like the menu brings up the wrong scale for display.

I think the view that you want is “Linear (dB)”, which means:
“Linear scale drawing, with amplitudes expressed in dB”.

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