I am working with the excellent version 3.5. Recently, I tried working with version 3.7.1.
In version 3.5, the Playback Meter works so that even when I move the slider to the left (i.e., lower the volume), the lights continue to indicate the volume level.
In version 3.7.1, when I lower the volume using the slider, the lights also dim and no longer indicate the volume level.
Is this a bug?
Thank you!
Do you mean version 3.5.0, or version 3.0.5?
The behaviour of the volume control was changed in version 3.1.0. I’m not aware of any intentional changes to the behaviour since then.
Thank you Steve.
I checked again. I mean version 3.5.1.
The new behaviour was introduced in 3.6.1 (or possibly 3.6.0).
The change was intentional, but I think the new behaviour is very unhelpful.
I tried to get if changed back to the original behaviour, but didn’t anywhere - see
should read: “I tried to get it changed back to the original behaviour, but didn’t get anywhere”
Thank you David.
I agree. the new behaviour is very unhelpful.