Playback jumps to the beginning no matter where the cursor is

Whenever I try to play back a specific section of my project, it will completely ignore where my cursor is and just skip to the beginning. This is happening right now at somewhere between 13:00.0 and 13:00.5, to the best of my split-second observation, but it has happened at different spots in my other project.
It seems be tied to the specific second, not where the cursor is. Click on the top to start playback? Skips to the beginning. Use the spacebar to start from my cursor? Skips to the beginning. Highlight the clip I need (because I did clip it too) and play it that way? Skips to the beginning.
I was able to rescue it right now by creating and clearing a loop on that spot but in my other project it seemed to happen whenever it wanted. Why does this happen? How do I make it not happen at all?

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