Play starts with unwanted fade

I’m long time Audacity user with a new version (3.6.1) on new MacBook Pro
I open a WAV file and edit. I place the cursor and PLAY; there is a short face it fade-in, which is unwanted.

If I stop and immediately hit PLAY again, there is no fade in, it is a sharp playback as expected. This works repeatedly if I am quick to rePlay.

If I STOP and wait a few seconds and hit PLAY, the fade in recurs.


Larry Callander

typo above: should read short fade in (not short face it)

Perhaps you have “micro-fades” enabled ? …
( However if that was the case the fades would be consistent: every-time you press play).

What is your playback device? Internal speakers? Something else?

Thanks. I checked, “micro-fades” was not checked.


I use a USB headset with usb-c conn.

I have gotten used to using the Transport rescan audio devices. Without that it will generally error out.

billw58 -

Thanks! that was it! it was the earbuds I was using. I went back to the apple earbuds, no fade-in!

Your comment on what I was using got me thinking, & made me check out another headset - thanks again! Larry

I’ve noticed fade-ins when using headphones connected to a USB interface. I have to plug the headphones into the headphone jack of the sound card to avoid it.