Opening aup files in Audacity 3

Linux (Ubuntu) user here. I upgraded from 2 to 3 and now cannot open any of my .aup project files. The Importing… box pops up but I get another message saying “Couldn’t import the project”.
Any idea why?

Do you have the corresponding data folder in the same directory?

“AUP files are saved with a corresponding folder named myproject_data, where myproject.aup is the project filename. This folder saves small chunks of audio data in an optimized, proprietary format that can be opened only by Audacity”

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Yes, there were no problems opening it before upgrading.

Which 2 and which 3? Did you update for a particular reason? As you note, you may not have “upgraded” your Audacity. If nobody can come up with a solution, you may be able to roll your Audacity back to the earlier version to get you back in business.

It’s not the worst idea to Export WAV (Microsoft) backup files of your work. Those are much less likely to fail. This may not work if your shows are terrifically long or multi-track.


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I can’t check which exact version of 2 it was now, but in the terminal I upgraded, but for some reason to do with packages I suppose it was upgraded to 3.0.2 which is not the latest I have now realised. I can’t get 3.6.4 in the terminal but I seem to have found a fix by downloading the appimage instead and just running that. Now I can open my old aup files and convert them, phew!

Next time youi get the urge to change your machine, haunt the forum first and look for problems.

“I updated to Shmaa and now my Audacity constantly crashes.”

I published an audiobook reading process that urges you to export a WAV file when you get done reading and before you do anything else. Then, when you get done editing, export a WAV Edit Master. Only then do you make the MP3 for submission to ACX Audiobooks.

That and never do an update in the middle of a show.


Not sure what that was all about but yeah, good luck with that.

Thanks. I have had good luck with that. I’m the one that’s never lost a paid gig.


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