no clipping and issues track display

I have been recording with Audacity for about 5 years…just purchased a new hi tec computer
with Windows 10 64 bit 32 GB…Im using an Allen and Heath 8 channel usb mixer... I record music...Ive never really had a problem with this editor…suddenly it became unstable…when I record all I can get is a weak signal…I have to turn all levels most of the way to get a weak distorted signal…wont show clipping no matter where settings set too. Ive reinstalled it a couple of times…just now it pretty much crashed…I can open the main window but does nothing ?

Make sure all [u]Windows “Enhancements”[/u] are turned off.

I assume you’ve selected the USB mixer as your [u]Recording Device[/u]? Don’t record from “Stereo Mix” or “Loopback” if you’re recording from the mixer.