need help with audio quality issues in audacity

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well! I’m currently experiencing some issues with audio quality in Audacity, and I’m hoping someone here can help me troubleshoot.

I’ve noticed that the audio files I’m importing sound muffled and lack clarity, despite being recorded in high quality. I’ve tried adjusting the equalization settings and using noise reduction, but I’m not getting the results I want.

I came across a guide from the Audacity Manual that discusses common audio quality issues and their solutions.

If anyone has experienced similar issues or has tips on how to enhance audio quality in Audacity, I would greatly appreciate your insights!

Thank you in advance for your help

What do we know about these files? Are they your voice? How do you know they were recorded high quality? Do they play in other applications? Are you the recording engineer?

There’s almost no chance you are going to push a button and have the distortions go away. “Help Me Clean Up” jobs almost always fail.

Select about a five to ten second sample of the distortion. File > Export Selected as a WAV and post it on the forum. “Selected” occurs different places depending on your version of Audacity.

The forum upload icon is the horizontal bar with up arrow.
