need help using audacity

hello i recently got this and i am using windows 7. i cannot save my audio. actualy there is alot it isnt allowing me to do but thats all i need to do right now.

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all i am trying to do is save my audio i just recorded using my turtle beach headset. i am using windows 7. version 2.0.0 of audacity. i recorded it and i can cut out parts i dont need but when i got to save it almost everything under file is unusable. same for edit and the other icons on the top. i ust need to know why it wont let me save my comentary. im a little on edge because i had to record it 5 times and things have just gone from bad to worse so a quick solution would be nice.

Make sure you have pressed the yellow Stop button - see .


I assume that you are saving the file, if so, after you save it, you need to export your tracks to a wav or MP3 or one of the other formats. try that, hope it helps, Marty