By setting my my input device to just clips and observing the setting that causes audacity to just show cliping, it appears that the multiplication factor is 1 at about -12 db or 80% on the input volume control. Can anyone verify that is approximately correct?
Audacity’s recording & playback sliders don’t amplify. They only attenuate. At 100% you have a gain (multiplication factor) of 1.0 = 0dB = no change.
Windows Microphone Boost can amplify.
Thanks, that answers my question. Also thanks for the info on the Windows volume conttol.
Yes, your observation is generally correct. In Audacity, when the input volume is set around -12 dB (or about 80% of the maximum), that’s often where clipping can start to occur. This is because the signal may be amplified too much, leading to distortion. It’s good practice to keep levels below 0 dB to avoid clipping.
I disagree. The input level control should be set to get peak recording levels of about -12 dB. Sometimes that means setting the control to 100%, other times it may mean setting it to 50%. If you have to set the control below 25% that probably means that the signal coming into your sound port is too loud and is being clipped at that point.