Momentary and repeated pausing on playback

I am getting momentary (.5 to 2 seconds) on playback of vinyl records I’ve recorded. I’ve tried uninstalling 3.6.1 and installing 3.7, but it makes no difference. The pauses are random, and there are no dropouts in the files. All files are doing this.


Has the disc drive ever been defragmented?

In my case “optimized” (defragged) automatically, weekly.

Yes, so is mine.

I’ve been using Audacity 2.4.2 for a long time, and never had this problem.

I have Audacity 2 & 3 on the same machine. The repeated pausing is only on Audacity 3.

So how did you solve it on the newer Audacity 3?

Allowing the section I’m editing to play through once cures it.

I get exactly the same symptoms.
I notice the playback pauses every time audacity reads from the disk when it first runs the audio track and the after that it is fine.

Between reads the disk is completely idle.
The CPU is averaging about 15%
Memory is 16GB with only 9GB in use.
I’m running Windows 10.
Audacity 3.7.0 - I have noticed this behavior since audacity switched to the new file format.

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