Lost Save Data, Potential Bug

I was working on a long audio file for a podcast and lost about 4 hours of progress.

The problem occurred when I decided I needed to split the audio into two different files. Half of the audio was completely finished and I wanted to separate it from the rest so I decided the best solution would be to save my audio under the current name “Pod 001” and then save the same file again under a different name “Pod 002”.

Therefore I should have two separate save files with the same audio on each. I then went to “Pod 001” and removed all my unfinished audio to do a final save. After completing the save of my completed work I opened “Pod 002” I then removed all the finished audio from that file so I could continue to work on the next portion another day while staying organized.

After all these careful steps I closed Audacity, later when I re-opened my “Pod 001” file I found only the raw unedited audio (potentially from my very first autosave). I quickly went to open my other file “Pod 002” and to my horror, there was only my unedited audio and no way to undo what I had deleted from that file.

First, where is my mistake, can you not save one file under two different names using the save as selection?

Second, is there any possible way to undo this error, I check online and in my autosave folder, and in AppData, I think the answer is no. I am really really not looking forward to editing the same audio again.

First, where is my mistake, can you not save one file under two different names using the save as selection?

There is no such thing as “save as selection” AFAIK. There is “export selected audio”, which exports the current selection as a WAV/FLAC/MP3/…, and there’s Save Project/Save Project as/Backup project. Which of them did you use?

My mistake I used the “Save Project as”

Also, I forgot to mention I am using Audacity 2.3.3 with Windows 10

WAIT… this is now the following day, I decided to give in and re-edit the audio.
I opened the file “Pod 001” it took about 1 min to load and my edited file was there!!!
I can guarantee this is the exact same file I opened yesterday that only displayed one untouched bar of audio, the only change I made is restarting my desktop :astonished: