Lost all effects while using Plug in manager to install DeClicker


I’m using Audacity 3.7.1.

I just attempted to add DeClicker/ De-esser and followed instructions regarding downloading and using Plug in Manager. Now all of my effects are unavailable. They are in light font and aren’t active. I’ve tried re scanning but that isn’t working.

What am I missing?

Many thanks!

I think after you install them you have to enable them. Go to Tools > Plugin Manager

Hi, yes, I did use Plug in Manager after installing the new effects. I actually did that more than once and eventually was see some major headings for effects such as “Volume and Compression” in dark font. When I click on it I see several effects such as Compressor, Limiter, Loudness Normalization but these are in a faded font and not active. I finally uninstalled audacity and then reinstalled it but it looks the same.

Very frustrating!

Oh for goodness sake! I just realized that I need to have a file open for the effects to be active! I opened a sound file I’d recorded and everything is now available. Sorry about that. Thanks for taking a look at my question though!

Ralph (sheepishly putting his headphones back on!)