I’m a noob with Audacity. A month or so ago I was editing audio book chapters to be ACX compliant with RMS, peaks and noise floor etc.
I moved so took a break and just came back to it.
I first went to use the de-clicker plugin but it crashed twice in a row so I update Audacity to the latest 3.6.1 build and the de-clicker worked fine.
I then did the usual ACX check and first set the RMS to -23db in the Loudness Normalisation and ran that which worked fine.
Then I went to fix the peak. As you can see from the second screen shot, it was too high at 1.67db
I re-watched a year old YT tutorial but the Limiter interface was no longer the same as on the YT video so I used ChatGPT to explain each of the settings and input them as you see in the third screen shot with the peak threshold set to -4.5db
As you can see from the fourth screen shot, after running the Limiter, it boosted the db of the entire audio by 4.5db.
And as seen in the second ACX check, the Limiter did not limit the peak at -4.5db as it still came out at 0.03db
Oddly, even when I experimented with the threshold values by changing them to -6db or more, it still came out at 0.03db.
Would be grateful if anyone could give some guidance on what I’m doing wrong with the Limiter?
FYI - The developers are going to include the older limiter in the next release of audacity.
Some people are rolling-back to an older version of Audacity.
Or, I copied and re-named the old limiter to Limiter Classic. After installing and enabling it, it should show-up in the bottom section of the effects list (not under Volume and Compression where the new limiter is):
You set the Make-up target to 0 dB, so the limiter raised the peaks to 0 dB. Set the Threshold and Make-up target to -3 dB, the Knee width to 0 dB, and you will be happy)