Windows 11 Visual Studio 19 2022
The cmake command line stops because version 194 ( aka C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.41.34120) is not recognised. Error prompt says 193 is the latest acceptable.
I can’t find an easy work round although uninstalling the latest update should work if the experts can’t suggest better.
I have gone a bit further with this and altered the compiler version in the conan default profile and settings.yml to 194 . This takes the build a bit further but eventually fails as follows
ERROR: expat/2.5.0@audacity/stable: Error in generate() method, line 59
tc = CMakeToolchain(self)
KeyError: '194'
So there is another reference some where that needs changing. This is the limit of my knowledge so I’ll give up until someone with proper skills can fix it.
I updated cmake from 3.28 to 3.30 without any change in outcome.
Pleased to say that further updates have fixed this problem. The versions that work are:-
Visual Studio Community 17.11.4 ( from 17.11.3 which failed)
Audacity 3.6.4 ( was 3.6.2 )
Can’t say why but its working flawlessly with these versions.