Installing Turntable Warping MS to audacity 3.2.3

How can I download Turntable Warping MS to audacity 3.2.3 without this popping up

;nyquist plug-in

;version 2

;type process

;name "Turntable Warping (mono/stereo) (V2)..."

;action "Warping audio..."

;info "Turntable Warping by David R. Sky\nbased on warp tutorial by Roger B. Dannenberg\nSteps are number of semitones above or below non-warped audio\nreleased under terms of the GNU Public License"

;control step0 "Initial step" int "semitones" 0 -36 36

;control amp0 "Initial amplitude" int "percent" 100 0 100

;control midtime "Change time" real "percent" 50.0 0.0 100.0

;control step1 "End step" int "semitones" -12 -36 36

;control amp1 "End amplitude" int "percent" 40 0 100

; Turntable Warping (mono/stereo) by David R. Sky, December 26, 2004 

; warps mono or stereo audio loaded into Audacity 1.2.3 and later

; step values are semitones above or below pitch of unwarped audio 

; Based on warp tutorial by Roger B. Dannenberg

; Released under terms of the GNU Public License


; determine duration of selection in seconds

(setf dur (/ len *sound-srate*))

; set percentages for amp values

(setf amp0 (* amp0 0.01))

(setf amp1 (* amp1 0.01))

; function to stretch audio to inverse of duration

(defun newstretch (dur s)

(if (arrayp s) 

(vector (force-srate 44100 (stretch-abs (/ 1.0 dur) (sound (aref s 0)))) 

(force-srate 44100 (stretch-abs (/ 1.0 dur) (sound (aref s 1))))) 

(force-srate 44100 (stretch-abs (/ 1.0 dur) (sound s)))))

; Variable Resample function by Roger B. Dannenberg

(defun variable-resample (steps snd)

; p1 helps convert steps to a ratio        

  (let ((p1 (/ (log 2.0) 12)) ratio map)

; pitch ratio

    (setf ratio (s-exp (mult steps p1))) 

; map from real-time to sound time     

    (setf map (integrate ratio)) 

(snd-compose snd (force-srate *sound-srate* map))))

; some of the math below may be incorrect


; calculate duration after warp

; this math is an assumption of

; how to calculate duration after warp

; otherwise there's an obvious click at end of audio

; when negative step values are used

(defun warptime (step midtime)

(* midtime (expt 2.0 (/ step -24.0))))

; convert midtime percentage to real time

(setf midtime0 (* midtime 0.01 dur))

(setf midtime1 (* (- 1.0 (* midtime 0.01)) dur))

; approximate finish time for warp pwl

; which is then multiplied by 10

; to alleviate ending click

(setf finish (* 10.0 (+ (warptime step0 midtime0) 

(warptime step1 midtime1))))

; doing the warp

(if (arrayp s)


; left channel

(newstretch dur 


(pwl 0.0 step0 midtime0 0 dur step1 finish step1)

(mult (pwl 0.0 amp0 midtime 1.0 dur amp1 dur) 

(sound (aref s 0)))))

; right channel

(newstretch dur 


(pwl 0.0 step0 midtime0 0 dur step1 finish step1)

(mult (pwl 0.0 amp0 midtime 1.0 dur amp1 dur) 

(sound (aref s 1))))))

; mono

(newstretch dur 


(pwl 0.0 step0 midtime0 0 dur step1 finish step1)

(mult (pwl 0.0 amp0 midtime 1.0 dur amp1 dur) 

(sound s)))))

Here’s the website I got that from

There is an installer for that type of plugin …
https ://

Or you can copy the .ny file to your Audacity plug-ins directory where you find the other .ny plug-ins. (Audacity should find it automatically and then you’ll need to enable it in Audacity)

…I don’t know why you’re seeing the Nyquist code. It is just a text file and you can open it in Notepad, etc., but I’ve never seen that happen accidently.