Incorrect checksum on the download page, 3.7.1 mac version?

I have downloaded version 3.7.1 for Mac.
I have checked the cheksum both from the macOS terminal (shasum -a256) and from WASM File Hash Online Calculator - MD5, SHA1, SHA2 (SHA256), SHA512, obtaining the same result.
This result does not match the values ​​shown on the download page.
The checksum obtained with the Universal version is the number that, according to the page, corresponds to the ARM (Apple Silicon) version: 3ac7e635f1c3257452069b89e79e71363377cb656255573a01a6ccafb1dde9cb.
The checksum you get with the ARM (Apple Silicon) version doesn’t match. You get 4c425a902f91c36aacf5a44b9cae3bde571a5499eb60a0c0f1e79bcede553e9b and it should be 3AC7E635F1C3257452069B89E79E71363377CB656255573A01A6CCAFB1DDE9CB.
Finally, the x86_64 (intel) version does get a checksum that matches the one shown on the website (correctly!!)

The download links on GitHub look to be correct: Releases · audacity/audacity · GitHub

I don’t understand what they are doing on the Audacity website, but for Windows users, the “Download Audacity 3.7.1” link doesn’t even download Audacity, it downloads something called “Muse_Hub.exe”!