How to remove terrible high pitched static

Hello all, I am very very inexperienced with audio recording, and I fear I really messed up on this. I recorded an interview in Japanese for a paper I am writing, and unfortunately it seems like something went terribly wrong with the microphone and it created terrible static feedback that is unbearable when playing it back.
I did notice, however that there are random bits where the screeching completely disappears, so I am able to compare the “clean” with the “distorted” to an extent. I looked at the spectrogram and it seems like there are some clear patterns with the frequencies.

As you can see, there are dark spaces where the static suddenly stops and I can hear the conversation just fine. Based on these comparisons, am I able to remove the frequencies that cause these screeching sounds? If so, how can I do this?

There is a harmonic notch plugin, (the screech is multiples of ~650Hz)
but I think your recording is unsalvageable: there’s too many harmonics.

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