How to record audio streams in a "first in, first out" manner?

Hello first time posting

I’m trying to keep snippets of interesting radio streams. There’s no way to know when the “interesting parts” will come up, so I’ll have to be recording all the time to be sure nothing is missed.

But it doesn’t make sense to keep terabytes of radio data on the harddisk. How can I keep only the latest 30min of recording cache ? Since I’ll be listening live anyway, I can go back to extract the targeted 5-10 from the cache as and when needed

How can I record audio streams like a “first in, first out”?

I think that’s the surveillance recorder mode…that Audacity doesn’t have.


Thanks my problem has been solved

Thanks my problem has been solved

How, exactly? This is a forum not a help Desk. Users helping each other.
