How Do I Recreate Moza Morph's subliminal process?

I just want to know how to make this formula for myself.
I didn’t want to make this post, but MM simply refuses to share her information. Every time someone asks her about it, she just says she has a “super-secret method on how do it.”
For example, I’ve been trying to replicate how Moza Morph does subliminals (step-for-step), but she intentionally chooses not to disclose details on how she makes subs.
She somehow stacks layers of tempo+pitch, with each affirmation voice being perceptible and whispering.
When I try, the audio becomes distorted. I even put reverb after mixing the tracks into one file to prevent distortion.

Here is a video of her explaining some details, but it’s clearly not how she completely does it. She also has other information videos on subs.
“HOW DO I CREATE MY SUBLIMINAL ON YOUTUBE?” (Audacity only let me put one link)

I don’t want to talk negatively of someone…I just want to know her subliminal process technical details. I wouldn’t be on the Forums if I sincerely didn’t want to know.
I hope some experts can analyze and decipher the exact method.

All you have to do is go to her latest subs, turn up the volume and notice what I’m referring to.
I’m not sure how she does it; it’d help me if you could explain. I would greatly appreciate it.
It sounds like the perfect sub, imo.

I would love to learn myself. I’m thinking of buying a course on Udemy. There’s some really good ones on creating subs.

Btw, there’s more than way to do it. Also the YouTube sub community is great but lots of them use buzzwords to create hype. It’s a marketing tactic. A sub is a sub.

Subliminal Transformation on YouTube is a good starting point. He teaches how to make them.

Yes, I’m well aware of him.
However, I find her sub process to be the most effective.

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