Hi, sorry this question really isn’t about Audacity or even audio processing in that way, but as I trust Audacity all the time for music mixes I figured the community behind it might know their stuff in a wider field.
I’m playing a video game and want all the sounds produced by the game to have a reverb effect applied so that it sounds like I’m always in a cave / large hall. I tried taking all 800 or so of the mp3s/wavs/ogg files for the game and adding reverb to each of them via Audacity, which works perfect for a handful of the files but muffles some of the others ingame and cuts others off given the timing permitted for audio loops in the game sometimes. So it’s a real-time blanket sound alteration I’m looking for. I’ve seen lots of videos and guides advertising various software that will add effects for a microphone, but what about video game sounds? Is there software out there which you guys would suggest is best for this, or is it the case that I should instead buy a foot pedal thing which maybe helps generate that sound on its way to my earphones? Please pardon all my ignorance here!
Probably not of relevance but in case it is, the game is Doom 2; one of the hundreds of map mods for it, a conversion of Doom64, had a reverb/echo effect in place and it sounded so beautiful/immersive that I wanted to see if I could have that experience for each new mod of the game I played from now on.