How can I make a siren high-low tone using Nyquist Prompt?

Hi. after being inactive for years, I’ve finnally showed smth up. Anyways, back to the main topic. How can I make a High-Low siren tone in Audacity using the Nyquist prompt? Please help me out. Thanks! :slight_smile:

A simple siren:

;nyquist plug-in
;version 4
;type generate
;author "Steve Daulton"
;release 2.4.2
;copyright "GNU General Public License v2.0+"

(setf low-hz 800)
(setf high-hz 1000)
(setf mod-speed 1)  ; mee-ma speed
(setf duration 30)
(setf gain 0.8)

(let* ((mod-hz (/ 1.0 mod-speed))
       (pitch-hz (stretch duration (osc-pulse mod-hz 0))))
  ; Normalize pitch-hz to range 0 to 1
  (setf pitch-hz (sum 0.5 (mult pitch-hz 0.5)))
  (setf dif-hz (- high-hz low-hz))
  (setf pitch-hz (mult dif-hz pitch-hz))
  (setf pitch-hz (sum low-hz pitch-hz))
  (mult gain (hzosc pitch-hz)))

Hello Steve. I was wondering on how could I make this air raid siren tone using the Nyquist Prompt with the harmonic functions. Could you help me please? Thank you! :wink:

Take a look at these posts: Search results for 'siren' - Audacity Forum

I saw the one with the harmonic distortion. Could you actually provide me a code for a harmonic distortion please? because I think the “Speakers” app isn’t good in my opinion. I’d be appreciated. :slight_smile:

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