How can I Fix Garbled Audio?

Hello, I am looking for some advise. How can I Fix Garbled Audio for an online meeting? Here is the link
to the actual meeting and it can be downloaded either audio or video. Thanks for any help you may provide.

I don’t see any way to fix that. Others may post.

Recording on-line presentations is massively harder than it seems. Companies that make conferencing software and products did a really good job of hiding how difficult it is. Of late, they realized a majority of users wanted recordings so they started providing recordings on their company servers rather than the customer trying to do it themselves. Both Skype and Zoom can do this and I’m sure the list is much longer.

You can make recordings yourself, but in general, it can’t be done on the same machines doing the actual conference. That’s a common mistake. If your process is convenient and inexpensive, you’re probably doing it wrong.

I made a perfect Skype recording at home, but I did it with two computers and a sound mixer, tripling the cost and complexity of a simple call.
