Have at least 6 files of total garbage, can I delete them completely from within Audacity?

Newbie as they say.

I’ve ended up with multiple files of total garbage, mostly due to the unsophisticated way Audacity handles the VOX function.

By not offering a… well, decay and release function loosely speaking.

Somewhat by comparison, video security software always offers an option to record some seconds of video AFTER activity stops. I don’t find a comparable function in Audacity.

The result is discontinuous files of absolute junk.

It would be great to learn that Audacity has such functionality.

But barring that, how about a function within Audacity to simply delete junk files completely.

For example, across maybe 10 resulting files, only one or two are worth saving.

But I can’t figure out how to get rid of the resulting junk. It would be nice if once a junk file was detected by listening to it, just hit the “delete” button and the file is eliminated. Then I can narrow down the files to the one or two worth saving.

It’s difficult for me to believe this basic functionality does not exist in Audacity, but I can’t find it.

Maybe everything is a “project”, not a file.

But what do I know about it. Virtually nothing, in fact.

What am I missing here?

Thank you in advance :slight_smile: