Hi, I amy getting an error message when trying to play an Audacity audio file through the M920 into my Genelec monitors. Here is the error code. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!
“timestamp”: 1737637671,
“event_id”: “7b9e2459ff674c18a51fea181ae47fc4”,
“platform”: “native”,
“release”: “audacity@3.7.1”,
“contexts”: {
“os”: {
“type”: “os”,
“name”: “Macintosh”,
“version”: “10.16.0”
“exception”: {
“values”: [
“type”: “Error”,
“value”: “Error opening sound device.\nTry changing the audio host, playback device and the project sample rate.”,
“mechanism”: {
“type”: “runtime_error”,
“handled”: false
I’m a Windows guy and maybe this is a dumb question, but did you install the driver?
Does it work with Apple Music (or whatever other applications you use)?
HI DVD Doug…many thanks for the response but yes, the M920 is recognized on my MacBook Pro and I’m able to route from the laptop to the M920 with output to the powered monitors…if I’m understanding your response correctly…actually Audacity gives me the option of the M920 but when I try to output the signal I get that error message
I can’t be of any more help with Mac or the error codes but the fact that it’s working with other applications is a good sign.