I am opening this here, as I am not sure whether this has been already discussed (though my search strings are not surfacing them) as well as if this ability is already incorporated in some other ways.
My intent is to get a feel for whether such capabilities are in the radar/roadmaps of Audacity. In any form, from simple to complex, with basic building blocks and automation mechanisms.
The illustrations below are for communicating the need/requirements and not suggesting the shape or form of the implementation.
Even some form of basic support would be great jump to weave recorded audio into different audio renderings.
Some context to where I am coming from…
A few years I created a (Jupyter) Python program for interfacing with Audacity Projects and slicing them into various ways, applying effects and rendering them in Flexible ways. I am using it quite a bit, and ideally would like to make it a portable standalone program (like a C# or even an HTML app) for ease of use and sharing (free of Jupyter/Python and Python Audio libs. I have tried creating a free standing .exe from Python - but I have pushed it down as an option).
I am not sure about how many other users deal with this requirements/needs and how do they address them.
As an example, Cakewalk does provide “Arrangement Mechanisms” so the audio (and I am not sure whether MIDI tracks are supported) tracks can be broken into named segments and can be rendered in different orders and many times. This is extremely useful, but as a side note is a far cry from what I can do with my Python program.
See the colored segment labels in the bar above the midi tracks, and arrangements on the left side. (I am sure the picture is too crowded for readability). I will try to post just those portions a little later.
br Sri.
Here is a Spec File for my Python program (no sophisticated UI like in cakewalk), so you can get some feel for it - without my suggesting in anyway that the details should be clear to any one trying to understand it.
filespec BaatRahi # define a Filehandle
fname BaatExp1.wav # the audio file exported from audacity
dir D:/VideoProjs/Baat122021 # the folder for the above
mode in # how the file will be used
slice theFull beg:0 end:end # theFull refers to the full audio
labels Labels_BaatExp1.txt
the above contains labelled regions from Audacity
these are used in compose later
filespec outFile1 # defines an output file
fname BaatRahiSoft.mp3
dir D:/VideoProjs/Baat122021
mode out
song Version1 # an example of how parts are combined into a song
Different segments are added to the “evolving” song
Segment names are regions from the label file(s)
segment Interlude1 where:end # added at the end
segment Meri where:end cfade:0.50
segment MereSapne where:end+1 cfade:0.500
segment Mere where:end cfade:0.50
segment SapneAdhure where:end cfade:0.500
segment Interlude2 where:end cfade:0.500
segment Pyaasa where:end times=3 fadein:100 cfade:0.500
segment Interlude2 where:end cfade:0.500 trill:0.2,0.1
segment Mere where:end cfade:0.500
segment SapneAdhure where:end fadein:1200 cfade:0.500
segment End1 where:end cfade:0.500
segment Shruthi where:beg vol:2
out outFile1 set3 vol:5 normalize:0