I’m still experimenting with the Project Management. Short Answer: I don’t know…yet. My guess is no. It is written that UNDO goes away when you close Audacity. Stand-alone Projects with running Audacity are something of a mystery.
Here’s something I wrote under Starbucks Influence.
Audacity seems to really, really like super big sound productions because it only works internally in 32-bit Floating Uncompressed format, and it makes copy after copy of the show as you go because that’s how it does Edit > UNDO.
But that’s not the only thing that happens.
Bang! Bang! Bang! This is an uncompressed sentence.
Bang![3] This is a Lossless version of the same thing. It plays perfectly with zero damage and yet only takes between a half and a third of the space. This is a gift from the angels until you have to edit the middle Bang! Then it magically turns into:
Bang! Bing! Bang! Suddenly, no more compression, and we’re back to the original size.
MP3 (MPEG-1, Layer 3) produces convenient, tiny sound files that sound mostly identical to the original. The caution is how it does it. One of its tricks is to throw away any sound it thinks you can’t hear. There is no UNDO, and if you make an MP3 from an MP3, it does it again and you can’t stop it. By the third pass, the show may be unusable from compression distortion and damage.
Now say you open an MP3 in Audacity. The first thing that happens is Audacity converts it into uncompressed and carefully preserves all the MP3 sound damage. Then it converts it to 32-floating format to avoid any editing distortion. Then it makes multiple copies of the whole show as you edit. That can give you a monstrously large Audacity Project that is expected and normal.
Say you make it through all that and you want to make an MP3 for a client. Remember the original MP3? That damage didn’t go away. You are now on the second MP3 and if you really offended the sound angels, the client (who is a young woman) can hear the compression damage. Even worse, the client can’t make a new MP3. That’s the third one and the sound quality will be unusable.
Always do all work in WAV (Microsoft) or other uncompressed or Lossless quality. It would seem that Audacity Projects would be a natural for editing and production, but Projects can be brittle and easily damaged. Search the forum for “My Important Project Won’t Open. Please Help!”