File playback in iphone have static sound/noise

Hi, i found out that my file playback in iphone have static sound/noise. its all okay when playing back in pc/dekstop but when transfer the file to my iphone 12 pro the static noise will appear in iphone… have tried export the file to wav(wave sound) and mp3 but the issue still thr. i have also try export the video via premiere pro using avi and h.264(mp4 output).both format same with static sound in iphone.

all of the sample above without issue when playback in pc.

btw, the sound i have edited and added effect of reverb/treble etc. is it cause by modifying the effect? or iphone does not have compatible sound card to playback those sound.


If the noise is not there when playing on your Mac, then it comes from the iPhone…

Hi :wave:, have you listen the sample audio above? do you found out any static noise/ background noise?

Yes, I listened to your sample audio, but I could not identify what the noise is nor where it comes from. Do you really not hear it if you play the file on your computer?

My next tests would be:
a) transfer the file to a different iPhone † and see (hear) whether it is still there
b) transfer the file to an Android phone and see (hear) whether it is still there
c) transfer the file to a different Computer and see (hear) whether it is still there

† same or different model could also make a difference…?

Good luck, Christian

Are you listening on the speaker or headphones/ear buds?

…There may be too much bass for the little speaker and if the that’s the problem it should be OK on headphones.

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