FFmpeg nicht Gefunde

Audacity Version

Habe eben das Fehlende FFMpeg installiert aber Audacity stellt sich stur und ist der meinung die dll wäre nicht vorhanden obwohl ich sie ja bei den Bibliothen beim suchen auch Finde. Bestimmt nen Bug, sollte mal Gefixt werden wenn dem so ist.
Bitte um Info.

========= Google Translate ===============
I just installed the missing FFMpeg but Audacity is stubborn and thinks the dll is not available although I also find it when searching in the libraries. Definitely a bug that should be fixed if that’s the case.
Request for Info. is NOT an official Audacity release. See also: https://forum.audacityteam.org/t/is-audacity-de-an-official-domain-from-the-audacity-team/50373/1

The current version of Audacity is 3.1.3 and is available here: https://www.audacityteam.org/download/

Older versions such as 3.0.0 are available here: https://www.fosshub.com/Audacity-old.html

If you are running a 64-bit version of Audacity, you need to download the 64-bit version of FFMPEG. Audacity > Help > About Adacity > Build Information > Build type will say 64 bits. Otherwise it is a 32-bit build, and you need the 32-bit version.

Sorry for my bad englisch, is Google Translator :slight_smile:
Thank you for the help. Here you get at least an answer in contrast to the German forum. If you had a current DL link to hand for the ffmpeg, I somehow just think it’s crap.

You will find instructions here: Installing FFmpeg for Windows

I got the ffmpeg from the site and it used to always work. I went looking for it myself and found something, thank you anyway.