Exporting Macro Dialogs to csv/txt

A general question about macros from a newcomer (Audacity 3.6.2, 64bit; Windows);

I’m trying to export information about an audacity project, namely start and end times of clips throughout the project. The ‘Get Info’ command in Scriptables II is perfect for this, but it generates the information in a dialog box labeled ‘Long Message’.

Is there anyway to take the text output in that dialog box (or straight from the command itself) and transfer it to a csv/txt file? I need to extract information from several projects for cross-reference with video files, and having some script function to extract timestamps of clips seems like the only feasible way to do it.

Any ideas would be greatly welcomed :~)

You can access the “GetInfo” data programmatically with Nyquist.

Nyquist is a relatively simple, but very powerful, scripting language that has been shoehorned into Audacity.

To access “GetInfo” from Nyquist, there is a special command that returns the data as valid Nyquist lists (rather than just text): (aud-get-info).