I was using Audacity 2.7 and things were working good. I recently upgraded to 3.7.1 and now when I export audio on this particular project, only tracks that will export are imported MP3 files that are in the project. Tracks are not muted, they all play in real time. Export range is set to entire project. If I delete 1 particular imported mp3 track, all actual recorded tracks properly export (in addition to the other imported .mp3 tracks but adding the track back into the project, all actual recorded tracks go silent on the export.
I installed ffmpeg because i couldnt open the new file format with the older version (as I was trying to see if the problem followed), but im pretty sure b4 i installed ffmpeg, the problem im facing still existed.
When you export, click on the Configure button and see if you get something like this image. If you do, not all the tracks are mapped to the left and right channels.
The configure button looked exactly like that. When I delete the .mp3 track and look at the config, it hasnt changed yet it exports properly. I reconfigured the map connecting multiple tracks to L and R channel… didnt change the outcome. What am I missing?
My guess would be that the imported file is mono, and that is messing up the works. Does the track show a left and right channel?
The track is a stereo track panned center. There are some mono tracks in the project but the 3 imported .mp3 tracks are set to stereo. Just strange that if I remove this 1 track, the export works. I didnt try leaving this track and removing a different .mp3 import. Maybe I will try re-importing this particular track/sound… IDK.
I think that re-importing the audio file will give you the same results. Perhaps re-encode the data and import that file?
I wasnt expecting it to resolve the issue but I deleted that track and imported again, now I am hearing all the tracks in the export. The configure map looks the same, just pointing R and L channels to the 1st 2 tracks listed, not sure I understand why it wouldnt be mapped to all the tracks… but whatever. I was just going re-install the previous version I was working with and just leave it at that… if the problem resurfaces, thats what I will probably do.
Every time I get motivation to work on something, it gets squashed by some technical issue as if the universe doesnt want me to do what I am doing… LOL. Thanks for all your replies.