Dropping quality/scratching while recording

Hey guys,

hope someone can help me.

I’m digitizing my Vinyls to listen with my DAP.
My Turntable is connected to an Soundblaster X4 as external soundcard (Line In) which is the input device for Audacity (3.0.0) via USB.
I set everything to 24bit/96kHz. Audacity as well as Soundblaster driver.

The recording woks fine and sounds great, but lately for some reason in the middle of the record it starts to “scratch” heavily. After some minutes the quality turns normal again but the record is ruined.
I hope the audio upload works so you can hear it.
In that sample you hear the horrible scratching and how it goes back to normal after some seconds…

I didn’t change anything and got no clue what could be the error.
I’m pretty new to this topic…

Thanks for any help in advance!

Edit: I noticed this occurs only with new records. All my ACDC, Stevie Wonder, Foreigner stuff from the 60s/70s/80s is fine.
Also: I directy record to my ecternal HDD. May it be that the data transfer rate is too low and the quality drops for that reason? (Kinda like photographing with a camera and the frequency drops as the SD card can’t save fast enough)

Edit 2: same issue with the newly installed Version 3.6.
Everything on SSD of the PC.
But this time a whole record side (3 tracks, ~10 minutes playtime) are in that horrible quality while another side is fine.
(The record is undamaged and works perfectly when the turntable is connected to the audio system.)

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