Digitize LP Only one channel coming through

I have been trying to digitize stereo lp’s. I have the turntable connected to my Mac running OS 15.1. and am getting stereo over QuickTime. Audacity will only pick up the left channel. I cannot select stereo. It records fine in one channel. How do I get both channels? I’ve checked the Audacity settings and there’s only Mono available. I have rebooted all of my equipment.

You have selected your turntable in Audacity’s “Audio Setup” as input device? Otherwise, it probably records via the Mac’s microphone - and since there is only one microphone, it cannot be stereo…

Tell us a bit more about your devices, settings, and what is connected how.


I only have one choice for device, only one choice for MONO.

I’m using a USB digital audio device connected to my audio source, a tape deck or phono. Each source is playing back in stereo.

I’m a Windows guy and on Windows both Windows and Audacity have to be set for stereo. So MAYBE there’s an macOS setting somewhere…

Your Audacity version seems to be a bit older, judging from the appearance of the input selector.

Mh, “a USB digital audio device” - does it have a name, model, number, etc.? Does this device do stereo? Or is it one of these old-style USB adapters for headsets with 2 connectors? These are only mono!

When in Audacity 3.6.4 (which is the version on my Mac with Sequoia 15.2) I select a stereo-capable source (such as “Blackhole 2ch” for recording sound coming from my Mac, or my iMic for recording from vinyl or tape) I can select between stereo or mono. When I select the internal microphone, the stereo option is not available.

My wife uses a USB device like the one in the picture and hers is mono. To do what you are doing, I think you would be better off with either the UFO202 or 302USB by Behringer. Both are inexpensive. I’ve used the 302USB for 10+ years and it’s served me well for digitising LPs and cassettes.
Mark B