Digi Tech GNX3000 can't overdub

Hi Support Staff. I’m having the same problem. After the record default changes within the Audacity App, I can only record 1 track. I can create more tracks but they won’t record. I’ve uploaded a short video of what the issue is specifically to my Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqHMkqEahUc if that speeds up a more precise understanding for you of the issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

I’ve split your post from the other topic as it appears to be a slightly different issue.

Your image shows the recording and playback device to be a Digi Tech GNX3000.
Is that this: https://www.digitech.com/discontinued-products/GNX3000-.html

Are your headphones plugged into the Digi Tech GNX3000?
Is that device capable of playing back audio from the computer?

(by the way, there aren’t really any “staff” here. Audacity is developed, documented and supported by volunteers as a “community project”.)