Decoding file from Zoom M3 MicTrak

Did some recordings and then stupidly formatted the SD card.

Doing a raw data dump from card contents to disk I can clearly see the old files.

The header starts as:

52 49 46 46 F8 53 29 0C 57 41 56 45

The main issue I’m having is that while using audacity to open the raw data, I get an echo. It’s as if everything repeated 1 second after first coming into play.

Any idea on what may be causing that?

I’ve shared the files here.

220105_004_RAW.WAV - good file
[000011].wav - file with “echo”

Notice that you can’t play the file directly on browser (probably because it’s corrupted?) you have to import to audacity.

Many thanks,

If you still have the SD card in its formatted state ie you haven’t re-used it, you could try recovering from it directly. If you are a Windows user (or have access to Windows) you could try QtPhotoRec which uses file carving to find certain file types. It’s free so you have nothing to lose. I’ve had good results with it. Make sure you use the GUI (QtPhotoRec) rather than PhotoRec which is a text-based program.
There are some other suggestions here: Free Data Recovery Software.
Good luck.
Mark B