Corrupted when saving project

Hi all, I’ve mixed down so I have the file but the project crashed when saving and now it won’t open and is corrupted.

I get the message below. Any advice on how to recover it please? Thanks


“timestamp”: 1724850458,
“event_id”: “5a39e6addf36c541893e6cfceb617876”,
“platform”: “native”,
“release”: “audacity@3.6.1”,
“contexts”: {
“os”: {
“type”: “os”,
“name”: “Windows”,
“version”: “10.0.19045”
“exception”: {
“values”: [
“type”: “Error_Opening_Project”,
“value”: “Project is corrupt\n(Unable to work with the blockfiles)”,
“mechanism”: {
“type”: “runtime_error”,
“handled”: false,
“data”: {
“sqlite3.query”: “DELETE FROM sampleblocks WHERE NOT inset(blockid);”,
“sqlite3.rc”: “11”,
“sqlite3.context”: “ProjectGileIO::GetBlob”,
“log”: “14:07:14: Error: Failed to load shared library ‘’ (error 126: The specified module could not be found.)\n14:07:14: Error: Failed to load shared library ‘’ (error 126: The specified module could not be found.)\n14:07:20: Loaded 195 string Kb in size\n14:07:38: SQLite error (11): database corruption at line 71416 of [1b256d97b5]\n14:07:38: SQLite error (11): statement aborts at 8: [DELETE FROM sampleblocks WHERE NOT inset(blockid);] database disk image is malformed\n14:07:38: DBConnection SetDBError\n\tErrorCode: 11\n\tLastError: Project is corrupt\n(Unable to work with the blockfiles)\n\tLibraryError: database disk image is malformed\n”

You have the mixed-down production. You don’t have the file yet.

Are you using the new MuseHub/ project saving service?

What’s the show and how long is it?

Are you working on drives other than the internal C:\?

Do you have WAV backup files of the work that went into the show?

Have you ever had a crash before? There are forum postings from people who claim they have constant crashes, but this is the first time Crash Recovery failed. That was a red flag a long time ago.


I am using drivers other than the internal C: and I moved the file to the C to see if it opened and it didnt.

It is about 17 minutes long now (spend last night and this morning cutting down from 40 minutes) This was the first crash of this nature.

It’s a podcast with a couple of music beds and then is mainly spoken word.

I have the wav files of it so it’s not the end of the world but it has a number of hours that have gone in to it and will make adjusting the issues easier.

I tried the repair that someone listed on the forum with audrepair but I couldn’t get that to work (I’m not the most tech savvy)

Thnks for the response

A driver is a software package. A drive is a place to store data. What and where is the drive you were using? Quick note, Audacity doesn’t much like working directly on drives other than the internal one.

No. In general, once you have problems like this, they’re sticky. Worse, they can contaminate other parts of the computer.

You may have run into the storage conundrum. Every time you make an edit, Audacity makes a copy of The Whole Show. That’s how it does Edit > Undo. It doesn’t try to unscramble your last edit if you make a mistake, it just plays back the last show.

So count up the number of edits in the last day and that’s the number of unique copies of the entire production Audacity tried to make. Given a 40 minute show, I think you just ran out of room.

Excellent, although you may not think so. Too many posters write with big eyes and sweaty palms that the only copy of a valuable interview just got flushed.

There are methods of rescuing a show, but we should wait for one of the senior forum elves more versed in that than I am.

Meanwhile, you might start recutting the show.


One more. Any crash can cause system damage and/or leave trash laying around. Make sure everything is closed and do a Clean Shutdown.

Ctl-Alt-Del to get the system screen, then hold Shift while you shut down. It may take longer than normal because it resets more things.


That should have said drives not drivers was a typo

Unofrutnatley until I upgrade my laptop (and get paid for this project) using an exfat lacie removable drive.

Interesting about thecopies, being that I was cutting it down from a huge podcast there were probably dozens if not hundreds of edits.

I don’t know if it is relevant but despite me clicking for it to save, it actually looked like it was importing files rather than saving/flattening the project as I’d seen before, but it all crashed within seconds.

As I said all help appreciated. thankyou Kozikowski

There was a very serious effort to get the developers to allow users to flush the UNDO system at will to prevent this kind of thing. Make it difficult so you never hit it by accident. But if you know the system is going to overload, it’s good to have that option.

Last I looked, there was a design change to the entire UNDO system. I lost track of what they were doing.


That can give you a Stealth Failure. Audacity assumes any drive it can see can be used for any job, no matter how delicate, difficult, or complicated.

You can likely get an immediate failure if you try to set up an intricate musical overdubbing job with a cloud drive in the next time zone, for example, but a tightly-linked USB drive can lull you into a false sense of competence, wait until it’s too late, and then Hindenburg.

If you’re in Audacity 3.6.1 as the disaster file seems to suggest, then you have the MuseHub/ storage service available. Yes, that’s a cloud drive, but it’s not part of the regular drive service, Audacity knows what it is, and knows how to deal with it.

It says here.


Good to know for future thank you.

As I said I’ll be investing in a new laptop with more storage after this project too.

It is possible to use external drives with no limits other than the obvious ones. You just can’t Audacity see you do it. Close Audacity, shuffle files around, start Audacity and edit your brains out—on the internal drive.

You can even do that (carefully) with Projects. There are two Project forms that produce stand-alone files.

File > Save Project > Save Backup Project.

That will give you a complete, stand-alone, aup3 file. Full Stop. No Edit > UNDO.

File > Save Project > Save Project As. This one is a little wacky. In general, it stops editing the current show and starts editing a “branch” show. I need to mess with this one a little.

You know Audacity doesn’t actually save a regular AUP3 file until you close the application? If you can see an SHM or WAL file (or both), then Audacity isn’t done making the AUP3 file in spite of having an AUP3 file sitting right there.


Thank you again for all this information good to know. If anyone is able to help restore the previous version that would be helpful.

I think it may be my version of audacity, as the new project I was working on just crashed and corrupted when I was pasting a small section of audio in.