I just want to track out a recording, no gaps, do i have to label each track i make? I used wavelab for years, new computer and wanting to switch to audacity, newest version. What am i missing. do i use the label option, i just want to track out recording, leaving tracks 1 - ?? separated.
do i just use split?
Can you explain a little more what you’re tying to do?
track a recorded concert, into separate wave files…t01, t02, t03…
I can rename in another program. and let me resample, dither all as well at once, vs individually.
the label option doesn’t seem to be what i need or want, i don’t want to assign a name to each, yet. I can use tagandrename later
I think it is the split option i should be using
i tried split, right click, split tracks, but i can’t seem to save separately. tutorials don’t seem to help. Help site doesn’t seem to have topics i want, different wording maybe.
I record live shows, i want to track out individual songs. should give me X amount of tracks. But keeps saving as project, i want files/tracks separate.
the only thing i can find is save each track, can’t save all at once???
found answer on another forum
control B, export, multiple files
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