Compressor Not Working After Update

Good day all,

After the recent update, my compressor seems to do nothing at all. I reused these settings:
Threshold -12db
Make up gain 0db
Knee width 5.0db
Ratio 2.0

Lookahead 1.0ms
Attach 100.0ms
Release 1000ms

I have experimented with wildly different ratios and thresholds, but after applying compression, not a thing changes, and my loud/ soft variances are still the same.

Anyone has the same problem? Or perhaps my settings above are wrong. Would appreciate the advice. Thanks!

If the threshold on a compressor is set too high it won’t change the audio:
none of the audio is loud enough to go above threshold and trigger compression.
[NB: -22 is lower than -12]

Right… Only audio above the threshold will be affected (ignoring make-up gain which affects everything).

Try a lower (more negative) threshold, a higher ratio, and a faster attack.

And, maybe run the Amplify or Normalize effect first to get a good-known starting point with peaks at (or near) 0dB.

Also, check your peaks and RMS levels before and after compression to see what’s happening. Check the RMS level with Analyze → Measure RMS. You can check the peaks by running Amplify and noting the default Amplification. i.e. If Amplify defaults to +3dB, your peak is currently -3dB, etc. You can cancel the effect after checking.

Or ACX Check to will give you the peak and RMS levels.