I see that others have had the save issue, but am unable to pursue any further. How do I get at answers to this problem?
Thanks in advance for help
oops- I made a typo in my above post - the word “save” should have been “same”
and here is more info
When I try to record, now that I have made my input device “Real tek audio” I see the green level bars on the mic responding to the music I am hearing from my computer speakers. But there is no action in the horizontal L and R tracks. They remain darkened.
I sense there is a simple and obvious solution , but it escapes me
Again, thanks for any help
Are you trying to record streaming audio?
Are you on Windows?
There is a little information about errors & error codes here.
yes. I am using Windows 11, and trying to record the music I am listening to from my recorded music file on this computer. I will look at the site you just mentioned
Since the recording meters are showing activity, I don’t know what’s going wrong maybe someone else can help.
But… If the files are already on your computer, why are you trying to re-record them?
I am trying to record files already on my computer because its a convenient source of music to test the updated Audacity. But after more fiddling, I cant even get the green sound bars to correspond to the music
Audacity has been so improved and updated that I cant figure it out anymore
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