I refer back to Cannot export audio in 3.7
As a new member I find I can only reply 3 times (!!) So, having heard nothing for another 9 days since editing a previous post as suggested, I must start a new Topic to reply to
SInce update to 3.7 I Cannot Export Audio in .amr format, which needs FFmpeg.
But can export as .Wav .
Program crashes with Exception code 0x0000005 on 64 bit Windows 10 , Export Audio, On your Computer.
Updated to FFmpeg 5 as suggested - Still audacity immediately crashes.
Exception code 0x0000005 - Report refuses to send.
(Crash Report is attached: Crash Report - FFmpeg )
dozzzzer asked:
What format, sample rate, and bitrate (and other format options if applicable) are you using when the crash occurs?
What is the sample rate and bit depth of your project?
How long is the audio you’re exporting?
Is it stereo or mono?
What are your “Export Range” options (entire project/multiple files/current selection) in the Export Audio window when you observe the crash?
It’d be even better if you could share a screen recording of the crash.
My Replies:
.Amr / Mono / Sample Rate 8000 Hz / Bit Rate 1.2 kbps / Entire Project (Only 1 File) / Audio Length 38 Min 40 Secs.
There is no screen image to capture (apart from the Crash Report screen) when the crash occurs now, as the program just closes, leaving a saved file of 1kb.
LWinterberg Responded:
OK, the crash is definitely somewhere in the direction of FFmpeg. Just to confirm, can you try another FFmpeg version? For example, here is an ffmpeg7 version: ffmpeg-7.0.2-full_build-shared.7z (you need 7zip to extract it, and then point Audacity towards using it in Preferences > Libraries).
Also: Are you using the 32bit or 64bit version of Audacity?
My Replies:
Still crashes if try different settings apart from .amr file type and with only 1 minute of audio !
Program build date: Oct 30 2024
Commit Id: 72fc2e of Wed Oct 30 16:49:31 2024 +0100
Build type: CMake Release build (debug level 1), 32 bits
Compiler: MSVC 19.41.34123.00
Downloaded and put FFMpeg v7 in Audacity Program files directory (having renamed original directory/folder of course).
Still crashes just the same