@ Steve…
The big thing I’m trying to do with music and Audacity is blend two tunes together in one recording… You’ll see what I mean if you see that list of tunes I posted, and pick one, then go into YouTube’s meditation and sleep music, and play one tune in the earbuds, and the other on the speakers simultaneously… If you’ve picked compatible tunes you’ll notice new kinds of music happening… Can Audacity make a single recording of both…?
If you listen to a tune in the earbuds, and play the same YouTube tune on the speakers you can get a very pleasant exciting stimulating reverb echo happening if the two playing tunes are just slightly out of sync… Can Audacity make that into a single recording…?
If you check it out with several combinations of sleep music and meditation music, sometimes you’ll get a super good combination listening to two different tunes at once…
In some cases if the same tune is played through earbuds and through speakers simultaneously, seriously out of sync, it makes a very pleasant full-bodied tune that touches emotions…
I stumbled upon a strange tune by Kitaro, in which he plays a weird game with the listener in ‘Kitaro - Silk Road Legend, Volume 1’… If you are listening to it while deep meditating, he directs the listener to progressively tighten specific neck muscles in a guided sequence… One finds ones neck muscles are aligned and tightened such that just one slight hard twist could easily snap ones neck, and the spirit message in the music is “Get with the one or get dead”… I didn’t know music was that powerful till that happened… I slowly meticulously dismantled the tight muscles deadly sequence… Now it’s difficult to trust his music, but I still love his Silk Road album, how it draws you, pulls you into it… It woke my mind and spirit up to a lot in my early mind research days… I wonder if he knew he had put that! into his music…? He’s truly a master to have done that with music… He actually made music be deadly, music as a deadly weapon, but essentially it’s a good message: ‘get with the one or get dead’… I modified his message to be, ‘be the one or be dead’…
For an audio spiritual feast listen to Tangerine Dream’s first two albums at low volume while deep meditating… Their music gives the listener spiritual novice the first 5 steps of 2000 in learning what the mind and spirit actually is…
The key to living life properly, (the proverbial ‘meaning of life’) is to be living life 100% with the body, and 100% with the spirit simultaneously…
These days most people believe the spirit comes alive after the body dies… Those people are already dead living death if they aren’t living life with the spirit…
You can see how the spirit works by exploring basic time-travel… It’s complicated: You must locate your spirit molecule in you… It’s a tiny glowing 1/32-inch little ball that looks like a tiny glowy moon… You treat it with 100% respect… You establish an imaginary tube from you going to the left slowly away from you… You insert your spirit molecule into the tube, and accelerate the velocity toward the tenth power of the speed of light, going back in time… You’ll first see days going by one per second, then years one per second… Decelerate to a halt, step out the tube a 90-degree, and look around… Careful if it’s prehistoric times… Those lizards can see you, and they are not friendly… A young t.rex charged me from a clump of trees, excited and screaming, it struck my arm, shoulder to elbow with its dagger-claw, ripping the tissues to the bone, sending me airborne about 75-feet… I leapt back into the tube, in my easy chair I watched the stinging throbbing long jagged bright red mark on my arm slowly fade along with the throbbing pain… Seems TT can be very dangerous…
If you see a t.rex lizard or terror bird, leap back into the timetube immediately… Meeting a terror bird could be fatal… Be careful where you step… Don’t go into the water… Always be watching your back for lizards sneaking up on you… Do TT once, then forget about it… Don’t bring anything back with you, it might be dangerous, it might blend with you like in the movie ‘the fly’… Having done TT once it sticks on with you… Now you can see future events like Mr. Nostradamus did…
I got revenge a year later on that lizard for scratching my arm… I went back to that same spot at night, and found the same lizard, though much larger, still in its territory, sleeping standing up leaning against a tree so little crawly ground critters wouldn’t be crawling up its nostrils while it slept… I had a plan… I gave it some serious Pain… I beat the doodoo out of a t.rex… I had it running down the valley in serious Pain, screaming for its mummy, probably waking-up the whole neighborhood…