Can Audacity detect malware?

Recently the grand-kids downloaded Google images pix of little kids screaming mad for their show and tell school project about ‘why to not get angry’… The author was ‘Neural’ something… One of the pix had serious destructive malware in it, which destroyed two notebook hard drives and three external hard drives… Not a big problem as I have 50 backup hard drives and 50 external hard drives for all my computer data…
Sometimes downloaded music contains malware that can damage an OS… With Linux Clam antivirus is almost useless, and it seriously slows down the OS… To heck with Clam!.. Can Audacity be somehow combined with an antivirus software to be made to detect malware while the tune is loading to Audacity…?

Does rejecting metadata block malware?..

Importing a file (of any kind) into Audacity does not execute the file.

If you are on Linux, do not run anything with sudo unless you specifically intend to make changes to the system.

Do not give sudo permission to anyone that you don’t trust to make changes to the system.

Implementing malware checking within Audacity would drastically slow down Audacity, making it virtually unusable.

ClamAV is an open source (GPLv2) anti-virus toolkit, designed especially for e-mail scanning on mail gateways. As it says on the ClamAV website, is not intended to be used as a real-time endpoint security suite.

I use FireFox browser with uBlockOrigin and NoScript addons in both my Windows & Linux systems.
My realtime Windows anti-virus has never detected any infection in years.
(I occasionally get a second opinion with another anti-virus, again nothing).


You would be wise to run synaptic to 100% uninstall Firefox, Rsync, Transmission, Hexchat, UFW, and Blue tooth, then immediately install Portmaster and Librewolf… and boycott all the heavily corrupt updates… Linux (especially everything Ubuntu Canonical) has been heavily corrupted by the mindless soulless greed-saturated monsters killing Linux to eliminate the competition… You should reinstall the Linux OS without a net connection, boycott updates 100%, add an older version BleachBit from a flash drive, change sources to a trusted university (do not let BleachBit update)… If its an Ubuntu related OS, go into control panel, startup applications, and uncheck all the visible check-boxes there, reboot and run BleachBit hard… Do not click on add codecs, nor on update manager… Just don’t… Boycott welcome screen…
Do not reconfigure Portmaster… Configure Librewolf for peak security… Add Gimp, Cheese, Focuswriter, Audacity, Brasero.
In Librewolf boycott ‘Ublock’… It doesn’t work properly these days… Get ‘Adblocker Ultimate’ instead… It hasn’t been corrupted by the hell-monsters yet, and still works properly in websites the Ublock doesn’t work in… I tried No-Script… I dumped it like ‘dropping a hot coal’… It’s a pain to use, and seriously slows down everything… What good is the computer if it doesn’t work on anything… No-script stifles the OS big time… Dump no-script…

But trying to get iTunes working in Linux is still iffy and painful…
I’m working with ‘Bottles’ in trying to get Linux to process iTunes:

Would be nice if there was an accessory antivirus that could be temporarily attached to Audacity to scan uploads with they are adding to Audacity, to clean out the hidden malware and doodoo, then be detached from Audacity so it wouldn’t slow down Audacity…
It’s world war 3 out there… China and Russia are attacking the internet… Recently China attacked America’s internet and government computers, and russia tried to cut Europe’s undersea internet cables with a dragged claw… We need stronger security against cyber attacks… Soon Arabia’s WW3 war will hit the internet big time, and millions will lose their private and business computer data globally from that insane war… I highly recommend everyone make a Linux backup in a scrap old computer(s) with all their precious valued computer data, and keep the thing off the Net… You sure don’t want to lose all that Audacity music editing… All the world’s forums, businesses, and blogs should make a safe Linux backup immediately before the big thht hits our fan… YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!..
Might be a good plan to practice pushing your head between your knees and up to kissing your butt goodbye so you be real good at it when you need it when you see those flashes and mushroom clouds in your city…

I have 150 notebook hard drives with all my stuff in them… 7O HD’s with Linux Mint 20 in them, with all my data… and 80 HD’s used as external hard drives, with all my stuff in them… I Can’t lose my decades of computer data… A few of these backups are stored with trusted relatives in other cities in their floor safes… I can’t lose my data…
Make this week “Backup my computer data week”… Get a couple external hard drives, not wd… I recommend Toshiba… I can’t damage nor wear them out, even if they take falls off the desk… FlashDrives and CD’s are not reliable as long term backups, is why wise corporations redo their CD’s every ten years… Last month an install ISO dvd dropped to the floor, striking on its edge… The DVD’s layers separated to loose flappy plastic… Lucky it was an easily replaceable DVD…

Plus there’s a nasty Windows killer virus out there waiting to kill the internet… “Storm Virus”… When it hits the internet all connected Windows computers will be destroyed to blue screen of death… There is no recovery from a Storm hit… The evil hell-biased creator of Storm hit my computer three times back in Windows-98 days because I called him criminal in his scam blog… I saw Storm evolving… I sent the three destroyed hard drives to a university… They emailed me: “The criminal signed his crimes, but we are unable to disclose any more of what we discovered in analyzing your hard drives. We strongly suggest you switch to Linux, and boycott Windows entirely”… Which I did… I helped Linux become a public item with all my ideas… One of my silly ideas was: “Hey guys, I’d like to see a real-time list of what’s happening in the OS while it’s downloading and updating.”
They had it up’n running in six weeks… Linux is built my way…

I just want to get iTunes working in an old notebook, so I can set-up 20 of these old scrapped iPhones as music players in airport mode… I don’t use cellphones as phones, only as music players on airport mode… I’ve done only three emergency cellphone calls in my life, and have never sent a text… Microwave energy is deadly… It cooks things… By now at least 3-billion cellphone users have brain tumors verging on brain cancers… The cellphone is making humanity kookoo and enraged like wild chimpanzees on the warpath, like the ‘bonobo wars’…

Message to Audacity…

This thread shouldn’t be deleted in a month by your default policy, as it contains valuable rare data that everyone should know in this time of an impending global war… People should make reliable backs up of all their computer data immediately, especially this precious diamond ‘Audacity’… This thread tells them why and how to prevent losing their Audacity edited music during the war insanity…
Audacity has processed 22,000 videos into mp3’s for me… I love this Audacity… I thank you for it…

Another story about music backups, about a disk jockey who was on the road, far away from home, catering to a list of dances, parties, weddings, do’s, and such… He packed up at a motel, set his notebook on the car roof, and drove away… His notebook slid off the car roof to smashing on the road… All his data and music was instantly lost… He didn’t have a backup… He had to quit his profitable road trip, and cancel his engagements from just one tiny stupid mistake… I can’t stress enough the importance of backups…
It’s like when I go hiking in deep wilderness, I always have a backup compass, and a good first-aid kit, and fine tools kit, extra sunglasses, layers of specialized clothing, two sleeping bags in case one gets wet… I’m different from most people… I like to be prepared for everything… I do weird things in forests… I bow to the large carnivores, and approach them smiling like they are my best friends… I say to them “Greetings your majesty, it’s an honor sharing your forest with you”, then I sit about 10-feet from them, and tell them exciting prehistoric forest stories for half an hour, and teach them English… One I walked up to, bowed a few feet away, caressed its tummy, leaned in, and kissed her on the lips… Huge critters approach me, sniff me, make a soft sound, then walk away… Life is more fun and rewarding when you don’t fear life, when you love and respect it… Large wild animals approach me in the forest to sniff me, and sometimes walk with me… This skill should be taught in schools… I tried to teach it… Humanity doesn’t anything to do with it… Wild cougars walk with me in night forests after I bow, and say “Walk with me your majesty”… Seems they all understand my English words… I suppose everything on this planet is aliens, even the bugs, all brought here by our creators the nephilims… Venomous bugs and deadly rattle snakes let me touch them… Friends don’t sting friends… Only people sting friends… A few hours ago I posted three critical notes to the majors which just might stop the war, by pitting the key warmongers against themselves… Watch for it… I sure don’t want vaporized sticky stinky black people dust nuclear fallout falling on my food garden and cherry trees… Yuk! everything would taste like it came from a crematorium or a garbage dump’s fire-pit…

Quoting: "Trebor: I use FireFox browser with uBlock and NoScript addons in both my Windows & Linux systems.
My realtime Windows anti-virus has never detected any infection in years.
(I occasionally get a second opinion with another anti-virus, again nothing).

You’ve been real lucky… Obviously you aren’t visiting nor downloading from unscrupulous entities…
I experienced how just one tiny downloaded picture can destroy operating systems and backups… The kiddies did it for their school project… Now I have a computer set-up just for them, isolated from all my stuff… Lesson learned…

If you want to see and experience what happens from malware in a website, take a scrap notebook, and download Google images from a guy who calls himself ‘neural’ something or other… Goggle image search for screaming kids, or for ‘neural’… Open his images on the desktop, then reboot… Suddenly the thing won’t reboot… If you upload his stuff to a backup, it will fail to mount… All is lost… I tried everything to fix hose hard drives… Nothing worked… That ‘neural’ guy is one nasty computer demon bully, destroying peoples computers for insanity, fun and excitement, and he doesn’t even know nor see his victims… I wager that guy is demon-possessed, desperately in need of an emergency exorcism, psychiatric help, strong pills, his mummy, and a good belt-spankin…

Heed my warning dear Trebor… Make your secure Linux backups this week to be safe, not sorry… With WW3 creeping seeping into the Internet like a flowing sewer pipe, I have stopped using the Internet as a social podium and fun play room… I use a few vital sites, nothing more… It’s going to get much worse when the bored warmongers start trying to kill the Internet and the world’s computers for their sicko jollies… I’m boycotting most of war-net till the wars have ended, and the world is cleaning up the damage and messes…
Do you have your tons of music, notes, pix, and videos saved in secure backups that the Internet can’t touch…?

Something that would corrupt the data on the computer and external drives seems more like ransomware.

So Right… Good point… I never thought of that possibility… But if you think about it a little deeper, ‘ransomware’ leaves the OS open and still active enough for the criminal to send a message to the victim demanding money to release the victim’s locked files…
That neural guy’s image malware totally shuts-down kills the OS, and kills external hard drives dead… The hard drives are totally destroyed, they won’t install a new OS even if they are formatted four times three ways… Why does Google allow that evil…?
I complained to Google and Microsoft about the criminal, but that criminal is still publishing malware pix in Google images… Obviously the criminal is related to an overly self-righteous corporation… That criminal is into destroying peoples property as a hobby… He doesn’t need the money… He has $millions… I can see his face in the spirit realms… I see into the spirit realms… I know who it is… I am not a liberty to expose the criminal’s identity… That would be way too dangerous… His karma will get him big time… Sure wouldn’t want to him, nor be within a thousand miles of him when his karma hits him… Evil always comes back upon the evil doer… Look what’s happening to the warmongers, they are all crashing… That guy has done so much evil that his karma will probably be a ground zero WW3 nuke detonating on or above his head… I’d bet money on it… I’m expecting and watching for it…

Way back when I first heard about ransomware, it was a fright… Immediately I dropped everything I was doing, and made three DVD backups of all my files… Is ransomware still happening…?
I wouldn’t care if my netbook got corrupted by ransomware, not in the slightest… I’d welcome it to toy with the criminal via emails or desktop messages… I have fun destroying bullies… It’s a hobby… HaH! I registered in the 'Flame Wars forum, and got banned because they couldn’t handle someone tougher than them doing exactly what they do… Go into a Linux Mint Forum, and badmouth Winders OS’s a tiny bit… In comes the seven winders enforcers to start a flame war… This netbook is a scrap garbage notebook that I pulled of the recyclables shelf, and installed a garbage hard drive with bad sectors, and Linux Mint Mate 20… A hacker could destroy my net book, and I wouldn’t care in the slightest… All that’s in it is a small file of background pix copies, and copied file of good music… I’d welcome ransomware to attack it, for the fun of messing with the criminal… When this netbook dies it goes to my relative’s precious metals recycling hobby, and I’ll pull another one of the recyclables garbage electronics shelf for the internet… This Dell Inspiron is nice for quick-changing hard drives… There’s a tiny slot in the left side… You just pull the hard drive with a tiny needle nose plier, and shove another one into the slot… Takes 2-seconds to change the hard drive…

I mentioned 'seeing into the spirit realms… It’s easy… Close your eyes… You see a Rembrandt brown splash or curtain… Request your spirit help you see through that brown curtain 5% this week, then 5% more next week, and so on, till you are seeing movement beyond that curtain… The white things there are dangerous and parasitic… Don’t touch the white things… The skin-tone things there are pure spirits, like ‘angels’ and such… It’s ok to touch, kiss, and hug them… If your spirit is pure and honest the five might even try to teach you about their world… Do so let them… It’s the greatest honor to be taken into their trust… They might give you a little push or shove toward something special , let them guide you… If you hear music there, please try remember it to recreate it here for us with Audacity and synthesizers… When I was 15 an accident completely severed my spinal cord… but I managed to do the mind magic to reattach it… The extreme fiery pain from that main nerve being severed had a kind of weird music to it while I walked the three miles home, the burst of pain from each step knocking me unconscious for a part of a second… Curbs at street crossings were extremely difficult and painful to negotiate… I can’t recreate the music I heard… Every-time I try my back stings like there’s a bonfire inside it… Can Audacity create music with six layers of back beat rifts with engineered holes in each layer to allow sounds to seep up through the layers, for music to create its own music… A new music genre to obsolete all existing music genres… The masses would probably label it ‘audio-coke’, or ‘spirit music’… With that you could easily recreate the sounds heard in the spirit realms beyond the brown curtain… It’s like two to three full orchestras playing simultaneously, is why it’s so difficult to reproduce in the physical realm with the tools and resources we have… Plus extreme pain has a visual too, which looks exactly like the spray end of a fireworks end spray burst like a white dandelion flower format, of fire and rainbow colored sparks… Do you create new music…?

YouTube surf:
Loved by Julie True,
Ash Ra Tempel - Reunion (part 1),
Aztec Healing,
Ukholo lwami/iSabatha,
Ging Gang Gooli.
Calm African Rhythms: Acoustic Music for Mindfulness. (first cut only)…
Find Peace (1hr) - Healing Frequency - Heart And Third Eye Chakra Channeling

I made long loops of these tunes with Audacity…

To download from YouTube get ‘Publer’…

I’m still trying to understand how to accurately rip-out tiny bits of unwanted sound from tunes with Audacity, and how to add tiny bits to fill gaps… Looks like I’m gonna have to learn Audacity a lot deeper…

Have you considered writing a book?

Yes I have… Silly me, I thought humanity would love to read my stuff… I had all kinds of experiences no one else has ever had… I thought I could guide humanity how to become one with life, but they sure didn’t want anything I have… I found what we are, and what we are supposed to be… My data breaks all the world’s illusions and delusions… They defend their kookooness with violence… I do silly things like I walked up to a real werewolf at midnight on the west coast on a warm summer night… I approached the fierce beast like it was my best friend, paused 6-feet from it, bowed, then reached a hand to the ground between its feet, and ever so respectfully caressed her parts and chest upward to her shoulder, and resting a light gentle hand on her shoulder, leaned-in and kissed her lips… We howled at the moon together, then she turned, and calmly walked back into her midnight forest… Back at the tent I tasted my fingers… My adrenals emptied to dry-heaving… Biggest rush you can get is to taste lady werewolf… Worst sensation you can possibly experience is your adrenals dry-heaving…
A cougar screamed at me about 25-feet away… I said ‘Walk with me your majesty’… I continued walking deeper into the midnight forest… I heard her claws clicking on rocks as she kept pace with me about 6-feet beside me… Meeting the grizzly bear was a lot of fun… I did a little mind magic to the huge bear which startled her so big that she peed and pooped herself right there… Next morning she came by where I slept half out of the ten on that hot summer night… She sniffed me head to toes twice, pressing her nose on me butt firmly to get a good sniff… I made a whiny sound, and rolled over to escape her gosh awful stench… She exited quietly and politely… Seems a huge lady grizzly kissed me butt with respect… Twice!..
Humanity doesn’t want my stuff… They Can’t handle the truth…
I met a lady Bigfoot… She paralyzed me with a touch to the back of my head, then scanned my memory system… It gave me a look at the human memory system… It’s our ‘chakras’… We have 14 memory rivers, each flowing at its own rate… The yellow memory river is memories of our frights and unsolvables… We had some weird mental fun together… I found 1400 new sciences in her species unconscious collective… Their first science starts where ours stop at laser… They are our replacement… When I tried to look into their 1400th science suddenly a blast explosion knocked me out of it like ‘a hand-grenade detonating four inches from my face’… Seems I’m obviously not evolved enough to look into their sciences… As she was leaving me I noticed I was cold from the icy dew falling on me light a light rain… I telepathed to her: ‘Princess I am cold and wet, I don’t like cold and wet, would you kindly return to cover me with my blankets’… From about 35-feet away she giggled, then made a multi-coo sequence song/ditty, which made me instantly warm and dry… I suppose she established/covered me with some sort of ‘protective thoughtform bubble’ all around me…?

I noticed that humanity had killed the earth, so I pretended to call into the universe for a lifeboat planet to rescue humanity from dead earth… In came missy nibiru on her own steam, negotiating her trajectory avoiding bumping into suns and planets… She parked just outside this solar system… I requested she move a million miles closer to me and park, which she did… NASA and Religion freaked out, claiming ‘it’s gonna destroy the earth’… Again I requested she move a million miles closer to me and park, which she did… Again NASA and Religion freaked out… I couldn’t request she move any closer because then she would orbit the earth to collect us in a 3-week window of opportunity, to pick us up onto her new young healthy tropical planet, then smash a moon into dead earth to clear earth-2’s orbit for earth-2 for us… We would have had a new planet, two moons, and two suns, an emergency sun for when this one flickers of for three weeks in 9-years… I requested from humanity use of a lab to build the liquid light engines required to exodus humanity onto its rescue planet… They labelled me ‘delusional old man’, and they terrorized, tortured, and poisoned me, vandalized my vehicles and property, wrecked this old man’s only and last little pickup truck, and murdered my mum, and tried dozens of times to murder me… I heard that humanity had hundreds of nukes aimed at nibiru, so I had to send her away for her own safety… No way in hell is this humanity gonna harm even one blade of grass in/on my sweetheart little young innocent loving pet solar system!..

Yes I’ve considered writing a book… The publishing companies told me they ‘wouldn’t touch my stuff with a ten foot pole’… I was in process of authoring 450 books and movies for humanity, till this government broke into my home trying to steal my notes, so I burned the 150,000 alien science papers, the 450 movie and book scripts, the 100 CD’s, and smashed the liquid electricity power supply, and the liquid light engine to dust on the anvil, and flushed the dust down the toilet… They don’t want my stuff unless they can kill me and steal my notes… They should get off the religion and the coke, and try to wake up to some truth and reality if they don’t want to go extinct… I solved the akashic records and voynich 100%… It made me immortal, and then some… I tried to teach it to humanity, but they destroyed my earthly life to stop truth from contradicting and destroying their illusions and delusions…


@ Steve… “Clam is not intended to be used as a real-time endpoint security suite.”, that’s why I’m requesting an antivirus be attached to Audacity… Linux doesn’t have any viable antivirus security, and the kookoo’s are desperately working on viruses for Linux…
But if my computer system gets hit with a killer bug I always have these 100 backups, and this stack of retired notebooks, floor to touching the ceiling, and them some…
I make free notebooks for terminally ill kids… A few kindly computer repair shops drop off boxes of unwanted elctronics onto my back porch at night on weekends… Some times there might be five good notebooks and a dozen old cellphones waiting out there on the deck… Last night it was two towers, and a small bag of some weird useless wrecked electronics placed on the deck… My relative gets all the electronics junk that I can’t use for his precious metals recycling hobby… He gives me half his net… Some times he drops by, and hands me 80 bucks right when I need it… Not easy surviving on a meager old age pension, especially after this overly self-righteous christian government stole my 3 newly discovered uranium mines, my 2 gold mines, and my 3 lotto wins, then wrecked my old pickup truck to get their twisted libido jollies off… By stopping my nephilim alien sciences and nibiru they murdered themselves and humanity… I had it to erase disease, hunger, and death… All they do is bully, sniff coke, and destroy… There’s is the path to hell… They go to church every Sunday, and pray for heaven: “Ogly wogly skrinct scrunch gloop floop soop scrim scram scam skerm aladorphy woof woof chirp chirp meow thht, Auh-men”… What does repeated reciting ridiculous silly children’s nursery rhymes do for them?.. When I ask them, they label me ‘bad’…

I wish I had been permitted to teach some of this stuff to humanity… I could have stopped all the wars… We don’t need space-craft… I can be on mars in a second… I’ve been wipping off the mars rover solar panels… The rover that stalled/went off line, I pushed it away from the cliff out of the shade, gave it a hard kick which almost flipped it over, and it started working again… Seems Nasa owes me for service calls… HaH! I pretended to kick the international space station’s oxygen tanks… Next day the news said 'something bumped the ISS… I bet the occupants made sudden big bad smelly messes in their pants… I informed Nasa that if they don’t show the pix of my footprints around the rover they don’t get any more free service calls…

@ Steve…

The big thing I’m trying to do with music and Audacity is blend two tunes together in one recording… You’ll see what I mean if you see that list of tunes I posted, and pick one, then go into YouTube’s meditation and sleep music, and play one tune in the earbuds, and the other on the speakers simultaneously… If you’ve picked compatible tunes you’ll notice new kinds of music happening… Can Audacity make a single recording of both…?

If you listen to a tune in the earbuds, and play the same YouTube tune on the speakers you can get a very pleasant exciting stimulating reverb echo happening if the two playing tunes are just slightly out of sync… Can Audacity make that into a single recording…?

If you check it out with several combinations of sleep music and meditation music, sometimes you’ll get a super good combination listening to two different tunes at once…
In some cases if the same tune is played through earbuds and through speakers simultaneously, seriously out of sync, it makes a very pleasant full-bodied tune that touches emotions…

I stumbled upon a strange tune by Kitaro, in which he plays a weird game with the listener in ‘Kitaro - Silk Road Legend, Volume 1’… If you are listening to it while deep meditating, he directs the listener to progressively tighten specific neck muscles in a guided sequence… One finds ones neck muscles are aligned and tightened such that just one slight hard twist could easily snap ones neck, and the spirit message in the music is “Get with the one or get dead”… I didn’t know music was that powerful till that happened… I slowly meticulously dismantled the tight muscles deadly sequence… Now it’s difficult to trust his music, but I still love his Silk Road album, how it draws you, pulls you into it… It woke my mind and spirit up to a lot in my early mind research days… I wonder if he knew he had put that! into his music…? He’s truly a master to have done that with music… He actually made music be deadly, music as a deadly weapon, but essentially it’s a good message: ‘get with the one or get dead’… I modified his message to be, ‘be the one or be dead’…

For an audio spiritual feast listen to Tangerine Dream’s first two albums at low volume while deep meditating… Their music gives the listener spiritual novice the first 5 steps of 2000 in learning what the mind and spirit actually is…
The key to living life properly, (the proverbial ‘meaning of life’) is to be living life 100% with the body, and 100% with the spirit simultaneously…
These days most people believe the spirit comes alive after the body dies… Those people are already dead living death if they aren’t living life with the spirit…
You can see how the spirit works by exploring basic time-travel… It’s complicated: You must locate your spirit molecule in you… It’s a tiny glowing 1/32-inch little ball that looks like a tiny glowy moon… You treat it with 100% respect… You establish an imaginary tube from you going to the left slowly away from you… You insert your spirit molecule into the tube, and accelerate the velocity toward the tenth power of the speed of light, going back in time… You’ll first see days going by one per second, then years one per second… Decelerate to a halt, step out the tube a 90-degree, and look around… Careful if it’s prehistoric times… Those lizards can see you, and they are not friendly… A young t.rex charged me from a clump of trees, excited and screaming, it struck my arm, shoulder to elbow with its dagger-claw, ripping the tissues to the bone, sending me airborne about 75-feet… I leapt back into the tube, in my easy chair I watched the stinging throbbing long jagged bright red mark on my arm slowly fade along with the throbbing pain… Seems TT can be very dangerous…
If you see a t.rex lizard or terror bird, leap back into the timetube immediately… Meeting a terror bird could be fatal… Be careful where you step… Don’t go into the water… Always be watching your back for lizards sneaking up on you… Do TT once, then forget about it… Don’t bring anything back with you, it might be dangerous, it might blend with you like in the movie ‘the fly’… Having done TT once it sticks on with you… Now you can see future events like Mr. Nostradamus did…

I got revenge a year later on that lizard for scratching my arm… I went back to that same spot at night, and found the same lizard, though much larger, still in its territory, sleeping standing up leaning against a tree so little crawly ground critters wouldn’t be crawling up its nostrils while it slept… I had a plan… I gave it some serious Pain… I beat the doodoo out of a t.rex… I had it running down the valley in serious Pain, screaming for its mummy, probably waking-up the whole neighborhood…

I skimmed your post but I’m not sure what your question is.

Audacity can only play via one device at a time. If you have an audio device that has 4 or more playback channels, and a mixer that allows you to map two audio channels to headphones and 2 channel to speakers, then yes it would be possible. If you only have a typical 2 channel audio device, then no.

Linux has a robust permissions system that limits what users and processes have access to.

Without sudo or root access, any malware is confined to your user permissions:

  • It cannot modify system files (e.g., /etc, /usr/bin).
  • It cannot affect other users’ files or processes.
  • It cannot install persistent system-wide services or tamper with system-level security mechanisms.

While user data can be vulnerable to malware attack, an actual “virus” that infects the core system requires root permissions. Never use root permissions unless you know what you are doing.

[quote=“steve, post:15, topic:128630”]
Without sudo or root access, any malware is confined to your user permissions:
Quoting: “Without sudo or root access, any malware is confined to your user permissions”

That’s a big forsure oh wise Steve… I just experienced that yesterday… In an honorable computer forum I asked about software that might process iTunes in Linux…

[I got this in the reply from a public member: " Use a dedicated music transfer tool like iMazing or AnyTrans, which can help bypass iTunes issues. You could also try using older versions of iTunes that might be more stable on your notebooks. If you’re looking for a more robust solution, consider checking out […ment-services/]( for mobile app development services that might help streamline your music transfer process.

I tried to get ‘imazing’ to test it out… Every-time I clicked their download up came a popup to redo my email address to get a download link… I couldn’t download it…
I went into their help files to ask how to download it…
Their horrible email form page is a nightmare from hell…? A third of the way through that mess I dropped the tab…
Suddenly I found four locked files in home file and two in hidden files… I deleted them all without opening them… If I had opened them they probably would have destroyed the OS… Don’t trust those two downloads people… They are backed by evil…

I just found a way to make the Net-book safe and secure from infantile bully black-hackers… I switched off its wireless connection, and changed it to wired connection… Suddenly all the intruder hacking-crap has stopped… I haven’t had to reinstall the OS for a whole 7-weeks… Now they don’t get in to invade and distort protonmail composes in real-time any more… Nothing in the OS is being tampered with, nor being slowed down… It’s as if the bullies just suddenly up’n died… It seems they’ve all been locked-out by my switching the netbook to wired connection… So what if wired connection is old school and antique, it works… ‘State of thee art’ isn’t everything it claims to be…

I lucked out acquiring a notebook that works with iTunes, iPods, and iPhones… A nurse gave me her old notebook, with W-10 and iTunes already in it, and no passwords… It took about ten excruciating hours to clean out all the windows peripheral thht, reinstall iTunes, clean it up, get it working properly with Audacity, iTunes, Gimp, Dopamine, Portmaster, and Librewolf, and to finally uninstall all the new windows updates, and to stop them from reoccurring/self-installing… Now finally it’s a clean and fast OS, good for Audacity, Gimp, and iTunes, oh yay… Getting a windwoes OS in order was like ‘strolling through a ten mile long nightmare’… I had to rip out programs and things out of programs, registry, settings, admin… T’was like silently dropping out of a tree onto a wild cougar’s back, and trying to pull out its fangs with a pair of vise-grips’… WhooH!.. Dyam I’m glad all that’s finally over with… Do yah wanna see my new cougar fangs necklace, deep sutured scratches, and many bandaids…? If yer ever meets an overly shy most unfortunate cougar what has an exaggerated lisp, that’s probably it… Now when it growls and thcreams it theazz: “Gerrrowlthrrth! Eaeeethh!”… Some cats I do not like… I.E.: The neighbors cats using my food garden as their potty… I’m working on electronic deterrents: with few retired farm fence shockers, some wire, remote sensors, recordings of fierce tigers and cougars, Audacity, Gimp, and a yard projector… There are gonna be some real freaked-out cuddly furry kitty cats on this street desperately searching for alternate places to poop…

We are “off topic” by a long way, but you could try planting some Coleus caninus, which is quite an attractive plant that has a smell that is known to deter cats - its common name is “Scaredy cat”, and it is a perennial from the family: Lamiaceae.

Regarding malware, if you are having as much trouble and as frequently as you describe, I would recommend that you read up on computer security, and/or ask a knowledgeable friend to help you.

If you follow best practices, and maintain properly configured computer security, your computer should never be compromised by malware. With such precautions, the most likely source of security breaches are social engineering attacks, namely phishing and smishing (SMS phishing).

Stepping up security won’t help, as my IP is double proxied… I discovered it is when I tried to install one of those high security OS’s… A pop up read: “Cannot continue with the installation because your connection is double proxied”… I’m into activism, demanding honesty, fairness, and truth from government and religion… Truth is considered to be immoral, blasphemous, and illegal in our world… I over heard a cop over the fence in the next yard telling the neighbor kook about me: “We have to shut him down”… They don’t have a clue that the sciences I know are humanity’s future, rather were… By shutting down my sciences down they’ve shutdown humanity’s future… They murdered humanity… They are the rome inquisition’s terrorist organization cult… They are the evil in the war between good and evil… They are winning their war against good… In 9-years humanity is extinct because of them… They won hell and extinction… They won their end… They are as insane as insane gets… They are hell believing it’s doing good by crushing truth, honesty, love, innocence… To hell: truth, honesty, love, innocence are the greatest worst evils which Must be destroyed, like they destroyed Mr Tesla, Mr Plato, Mr Socrates, Mr Jesus, and thousands of other great pioneering scientists, all of them, like they are doing to Mr Trump, Taiwan, and Ukraine today… They are winning their war against truth, good, and humanity… They are feeding humanity to hell… They are filling hell’s pantry with us… Sorry, but it’s true…

Do you happen to know of computer security that over-rides, defeats ‘double proxy’, and the evil in the war against evil.? I sure don’t…
Thanks for the cat repellent tip…

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