Bulk edit wav bitrate?

running 3.4.2
i know there’s been several posts on here regarding this, but none seem to actually work for me. im quite bad at computers so im sorry if this is a dumb question but im just really struggling haha. i have 200ish samples [32 bit 48 sample rate wav files], which i need as 16 bit 44 sample rate wav files for them to work on my sampler.

as it stands, the files simply don’t play thru the sampler. when i edit the bitrate/sample rate manually, they work perfectly, but since there’s so many, it’d be a pain in the ass to do them all manually.

bulk editting via macros seems to leave the birate and sample rate untouched, so that has gotten me nowhere.

i see when im exporting an individual audacity file, the export audio screen has 3 options under export range, “entire project”, “multiple files”, and “current selection”, with the latter two being greyed out. multiple files seems like what im looking for, but idk under what conditions it is actually selectable.

on reddit, somebody advised putting “all the files into audacity”, which i interpreted to mean select multiple files then drag and drop into audacity, but this just resulted in a million unique audacity tabs, one for each file, rather than one tab which would allow me to bulk edit them all. idk if there is an alternative to this?

this is about as far as ive gotten. based on threads on this forum and elsewhere, audacity seems commonly referred to as a solution to this problem, so i imagine i must be getting something wrong. id really appreciate if anybody has solutions, either thru audacity or other software if audacity can’t work for this, and if you could give clear step by step instructions whatever the case. thanks in advance.

I’ve never used macros but Kabuu Audio Converter can do it. Once you’ve set up your output format and destination it’s just drag, drop, and click, and you can drag-in multiple files and convert them at once.

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