Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
After upgrading to version 3.6.1 using the dpkg package installed via apt command.
When I scroll horizontally or zooming I loose the tracks and waveforms (blank screen)
If I change Enable/Disable Extra Menus I am able to get the tracks and waveforms again.
If I run Audacity from the appImage I cannot reproduce this problem, scrolling works fine.
I have the same problem as you.
this will be fixed in 3.6.2
Please tell me that that is coming soon, because I cannot use audacity at all for some files. It actually opens broken, with no visual details at all. This is an emergency.
Hi as a workaround try Enable/Disable Extra Menus I am able to get the tracks and waveforms again, under View menu.
Thanks for trying to help. However, this quickly stopped working, & the menus themselves all went invisible.
September 26, 2024, 10:03pm
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