I exoprted video with 4K Slideshow Maker and saw in “Properties”, that bit rate of audio is 360 kbps! How is it? Tell me, please, how can I export wth Audacity mp3 of such high quality?
The maximum for mp3 format is 320kbps …MP3 Export Options - Audacity Manual
( I’d wager that no one can hear the difference between 320kbps & 360kbps ).
It looks like non-standard (non-compliant) MP3 and some players may not play it. Can you open it in Audacity? Audacity is rather “picky” about MP3s
Or, maybe it’s not really MP3. It is “unusual” to have MP3 with video, although it was originally created for audio/video files. Check it with [u]MediaInfoOnline[/u].
And I agree with Trebor… Even if it’s really higher bitrate it doesn’t necessarily have better sound quality. At the higher bitrate settings MP3 is usually it’s transparent (sounds identical to the uncompressed original) or there are compression artifacts that don’t go-away with a higher bitrate.
Hi! Mediainfo writes: So there’s one value in “Properties” and another - displayed by Mediainfo.
Duration: 3m 29s = 209 seconds
209 s @ 320 kbps = 66880 kbit
66880 kbit = 8360 kB = 7.972717 MiB
Looks like MediaInfo is right and the other is wrong, which makes sense since the highest bit rate for MP3 is 320 kbps
8360 kB = 8,360 Mb
Excuse me, I don’t quite understand.
8 bits = 1 byte
8 kbit = 1 kB
Divide kbits by 8 to get kilobytes.
66880 / 8 = 8360
8360 kB = 8.360 Mb
Is it right?
8360 kB = 7.972717 MiB - ? To my mind, I understood. It’s really not 320 kbps, but less. It’s natural. Thank you!
“kB” = kilobyte = 10^3 bytes = 1000 bytes
“MB” = megabyte = 10^6 bytes = 1000000 bytes
“MiB” = mebibyte = 2^20 bytes = 1048576 bytes
(Byte - Wikipedia)
8360 kB = 8.36 MB = 8360000 bytes = 7.972717285 MiB