Audio settings for Macintosh

I’m running Audacity 3.7.1 on a MacBook Pro 2023 with M2 Pro chip, on Sequoia 15.3. I cannot seem to get a signal to Audacity during recording content from the computer. My audio settings are, for Audacity: Host > Core Audio (default); Playback device > Insignia NSHBTSS116 external computer speakers; Recording device > BlackHole 2 Channel; Recording Channels > 2 Stereo. For the computer: Input: > System settings > Sound > BlackHole 2 Channel; Output > System settings > Sound > Insignia NSHBTS116 external speakers. I also have the option for Blackhole 2 Channel and MacBook Pro speakers. I am getting no sound and no recording of any sound in Audacity. What am I doing incorrectly?

System Settings → Privacy and Secutity → Microphone: Does Audacity have permission to access “Microphone”? If not, Audacity won’t get any sound. No matter, what your source is.

If you want to record computer sound using Blackhole, you need to set the output in the system settings to Blackhole, and select Blackhole in Audacity as the input source.

If the sound output in the system setting is set to Blackhole, you cannot hear anything over the Mac’s speakers unless you enable playthrough in Audacity: Menu “Transport → Transport options → Enable audible input monitoring”.

The Blackhole website has instructions for how to use Blackhole with Audacity to record sound playing through the computer (for example, sound playing on websites).

Thank you! Perfect solution. I’ll take it from here. My compliments to you.

Thank you. Perfect!